Series Introduction| Knowing God | The Revelatory God | Goodness of God | Holiness of God | Power of God | Omnipresent God | Exalted God | Faithfuness of God | Wisdom of God | Mercy of God | Wrath of God | Love of God | Sovereignty of God | Providence of God
– The Sovereignty of God –
Introduction: This session on the sovereignty of God, and in fact, this whole series on Knowing God: Experience and Love Him are designed to help us grow at the third level of Christian experience. This future journey is briefly described here.
Your Future Journey
Each believer is on a spiritual journey with God, whether he or she knows it or not. It starts with the new birth and continues on all through life. There are three stages of spiritual growth.
The first two are for new and young believers, but God wants us all to be actively pursuing a deeper relationship with Him. This is the third level of discipleship.
=> Check out other resources here.
This study on the attributes of God and how they influence our lives as believers is one further tool to deepen that relationship you have with God. We have tried to go beyond abstractly studying God’s person and ways to where it helps us in our daily lives.
Constantly seek to develop your relationship with the Almighty God while still on earth! Lots of it has to do with growing in your awareness of who He is and what is His purposes.
What problems might hold you back from seeking to know the Lord more? Conquer each one as it is discovered. One step closer to God!
What steps can you take to assure persistent growth with so many distractions around you?
Keep in a good and challenging experience of reading God’s Word and praying.
Check out some good mission biographies!
Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted:
(C) Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1988