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Overcoming Anxiety

Take the ten steps over the bridge of hope to the peace of God. Each step leads further from anxiety and closer to God and the truths of His Word. Instruction on how to overcome fears, worries and handle temptation for lasting peace.

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Overcoming Anxiety:  Finding Peace, Discovering God

Overcoming Anxiety: Finding Peace, Discovering God

(Study questions included!)

Paul J. Bucknell

Introduction to Overcoming Anxiety: Finding Peace, Discovering God

Just going through your book that I have purchased yesterday and want to let you know that it is amazing! God has showed me a lot in my walk with Him but can honestly say that it is such a great handbook for people dealing with anxiety. -

Every journey we take is different.

Some are welcomed; some are feared. Many of us have hidden our anxieties away and never dared to face them. Sometimes it is because we do not believe there is any real help. Usually, it is because we do not know how to find peace.

Stress, anxieties and their related fears can be managed and overcome. Special deals, testimonies, further description below.

Overcoming Anxiety: Finding Peace, Discovering God

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Overcoming Anxiety: Finding Peace, Discovering God with study questions.

Discipleship #2 Digital Teaching Package – only $34.99

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d2Our D2 (Discipleship 2) Digital Library is an excellent resource for only a bit more cost. The Overcoming Anxiety digital book, handouts and slides are included as well as two other of our discipleship 2 books: Reaching Beyond Mediocrity, and Running the Race. Many other discipleship articles are also included. BFF enables you to print for yourself and other.

Provides ongoiing access to the D2 Library so you can view or download each item at your convenience to any of your devices.

Further Description

People worry because they were never designed to handle the stresses of life on their own. God wants to help you. Your Creator has designed a way to experience His inner peace while walking through the stresses of life. The bridge illustrates the pathway across the difficulties of life to His peace.

Each of the ten sessions takes you one step over the bridge. Some steps are more strenuous; others more reflective, but each takes you to know and regularly experience the peace of God. The sessions are listed below.

Testimony of Overcoming Anxiety: Finding Peace, Discovering God

From a Sister

I have found your web site on dealing with Anxiety very helpful. It is a wonderful resource showing a huge understanding of the condition and assistance in overcoming anxiety. It has been a wonderful guide to me in some recent troubled times.

The Pastor/CEO of an Australian foundation writes about this material,

"With the men we minister to through the Foundation, a major emotional dysfunction is fear in all its strongholds. Armed with the information and tools from BFF "Anxiety" series we have accomplished total freedom in this area of core fears.

After the men have successfully put into practice this understanding and revelation, we have found the rest of a Christian 12 Step program which we use more easier to work. The Anxiety series has been the glue which has held everything else together. So it has had a tremendous impact on the lives of the men who have been affected by addiction.

In a nutshell, BFF has been instrumental and invaluable in the release and recovery of souls trapped in addiction and emotional dysfunction."

A few 'Thank you's

I was looking up some thoughts on renewing the mind.  I've been in a Bible study ... working on Romans 12.  I loved your messages.  They touched my heart and I shared them with a friend as well!  I look forward to God revealing my strongholds and working through me to overcome many worries/attitudes that have controlled my life ... for too long.

"Paul, I wanted to say thank you so much for  this wonderful and insightful seminar. I am battling worry and anxiety as  a Christian and this information has spoken to me and I believe it is a turning  point in my relationship with the Lord. The truths it spoke are amazing and it  has caused me to start meditating on the Word and to really take a look at the  causes of my wrong thoughts. I just needed to say thank you for this ministry and may God richly bless you and I want you to know that I will be showing this  to my family who are also saved but battling with doubt and lack of trust in the  Father. Thank you so much Paul."


Contents of Overcoming Anxiety

Overcoming Anxiety Contents

Crossing the Bridge of Hope
Session #1

Journeying with God from worry to peace

Many people have lost hope that they can deal with their anxieties and stresses of life. This first step renews your hope in God. In turn this hope produces faith in His care for you. He is desirous and fully able to bring you from your worries to His true peace.

This is not the world's peace which doesn't last, but God's peace which keeps our hearts even in the most stress filled times. A father's training of his children to swim illustrates how God personally brings us over this bridge of hope.

Understanding Worries
Session #2

Understanding the reason people worry

People worry. This we know! But why? How? Is it normal? Although worry is common, it is not normal. This session clearly explains the source of our worries. Once we discover the problem, then we can see the solution that God has provided for us.

This session is able to bring revolutionary changes in our views about our worries and life itself. We share a remarkable story of a how a man through prayer lost all concern and worry and changed the life of an armed robber!

Recognizing Responsibility
Session #3

Accepting responsibility for our worries

Who would think that taking accountability for our own worries would produce such dramatic changes in our lives?! But it does! This session clearly explains the power behind accountability and the steps to free oneself from the burden of anxiety.

The difference starts when we stop blaming everything around ourselves and admit the worrisome thoughts stem from our own choices. Our choices will lead either to worry or to peace. Our choice! We look at a marvelous account where Jesus refused to worry and found all He needed in a most surprising spot.

Discovering Patterns of Anxiety
Session #4

Discerning the relation between anxiety and anxious thoughts.

Worries are not like someone at the door asking for permission to come in but a silent intruder that sneaks his way into our homes. Session #4 uncovers how to detect these thieves!

By discovering certain patterns, we will gain a whole new awareness of anxiety. As we explore these patterns further, we will actually be able to begin training ourselves not to 'fall' into worry. We will study closely how an expert avoided terrific confusion and emotional turmoil by following these principles.

Coping with Worries
Session #5

Realizing that only God can help us when anxious thoughts strike.

Just felt a lump in an unusual spot? Heard you might lose your job? Or do you just have some whacky fear that is keeping you up at night? Session five provides the ammunition one needs to fight against overpowering thoughts.

After learning the three steps to overcoming these anxious thoughts, we will practically apply this to both strong feelings and financial burdens. Also don't forget to find out why all the children started laughing over difficult circumstances during family prayers.

Destroy and Occupy
Session #6

Detecting and destroying the roots of anxiety.

People have tried so long and hard to get rid of their worries without effect. In the end they have just given up hope on eliminating them. We hear people say, "It is the way I am." Many of us seem to have just accepted the fact that we worry.

We do worry, but we don't have to! What keeps us from solving the problem? This sixth session reveals the hidden power through which worries and stresses become so difficult to overcome. We have illustrated this insidious struggle from a well-known battle scene.

Finding the Peace of God
Session #7

Foiling temptation's plan

Most people just dream of peace. They have never experienced it. Anxiety, stress and fear are their companions.

In session seven, we not only clearly explain how temptations affect us but also illustrate how God's amazing promises counter these temptations. These lessons are so practical that they beg us to apply them. Come and look at some amazing words of God that actually guarantee real peace if we abide by certain steps.

Handling Extreme Anxiety
Session #8

Discovering and understanding the three levels of anxiety.

Worries often get out of hand. Nobody has solutions for stopping their recurrence. They only might offer advice on how to make these 'attacks' less severe. How would you like to get rid of them?

Session eight explains the mysterious roots of anxiety and then proceeds describing the three levels of anxiety. Panic attacks are the third level. Accurate diagnosis leads to genuine solutions. An exciting historical story is told highlighting the way to regain and renew the faith we need to live above the reach of anxieties.

Steps to Overcome Anxiety
Session #9

Mastering the three stage process to overcome worries.

These last two sessions condense all the former lessons into three short steps. Remember peace results in a series of decisions. There is no magic or surprise, just simple straightforward decisions we need to consistently live by. This training enables each of God's people to tackle most any anxiety that you or a friend might have.

Nothing, of course, can be done without the preparation of the heart, but if God is working, then these steps do the job of restoring someone. Exciting illustrations along with many practical applications dominate this lesson.

Becoming An Overcomer
Session #10

Creating a testimony by overcoming difficult worries.

Behind many worries and fears is death. No one likes to admit this because they do not have any way of handling death and its fears.

God knows that as long as we fear death, we cannot be free to live for Him. Powerful truths are shared throughout this closing session to inspire us to be one of God's overcomers. Real life stories of recent Christians facing death boldly illustrate the lesson's important principles.

Overcomer or overcome? Your decision. God has made the victory possible through Jesus Christ.

Our goal for this seminar is to give you a testimony to share with your friends. Remember to thank God by telling other people how He has helped you overcome your own anxieties!

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