Revivals are often misunderstood. Understanding Genuine Revivals provides many revival and renewal topics from a biblical perspective including: examples of revival, the process of revival, the reverse process of revival, exhortations for revival and even a few study questions concerning revival.
One of the most powerful forces in the world is revival. When the Almighty God decides to change history to further the advance of His kingdom, He revives the church of God.
Revivals are both loved and hated, desired and feared. Genuine revival which renew great affections for God are greatly needed. Governed by firm biblical principles, we seek after a renewed heart for God.
Some of God's people face secularism's deadly knife; the zeal of others is diluted by polluted waters of materialism. Yet others bravely risk the waves of persecution.
But we all need revival. We all greatly need a great work of God to touch our stony hearts. We long for revival because we long for Him. We cry out for revival because we love the Lord's ways. May God increase His blessing upon the church today that we might carry the news of His amazing grace to the ends of the world.
"When we examine the history of revivals in the church, we discover that true revival is nothing more nor less than the cleasning of the church as a result of repentance from sin. This always results in a zeal to save sinners by the preaching of the Gospel."
(1 Flame for God by Leslie T. Lyall, p. 196. This is a challenging biography of John Sung.)
We need not go far in the Bible to see the many things God says about the renewing of man's affections for Himself. God Himself has shown us the path to revival. He desires to lead us down this path. This might sound oversimplistic, but it is not. Look with us at the very promises God gives us to enable and encourage us to seek Him with all of our hearts.
Actually, you or I can now seek revival. By God's promises the chains of darkness that has snagged our soul can be cut and His light shine in our hearts. Why wouldn't we take this step forward right now? What is holding us back?
The Water Gate Revival in Nehemiah's time reveals three signs of revival movements. Description of the 1905 Welsh Revival is also included.
How did God bring revival to King Josiah through Zephaniah? A full book study with questions.
Provides a chart and explanation of the Cycle of Decline and Renewal among God's people.
Constant Personal Renewal
A lifelong personal growth plan
Continuous Personal Renewal: A lifelong personal growth plan provides a basic understanding how spiritual growth takes place and practical steps on how to renew that growth throughout our lives. Video and audio included.
Reviving Our Personal Devotions
Revival of our soul depends on daily meeting with the Lord. This series teaches us how to meet God fresh each day.
By looking at the steps from revival down to despair,
we can be warned of that path and never follow that road.
Think through the historical and cultural relationship of revivals and the fear of God in a society.
This article tries to bring the uncommitted back into the church so she can be a powerful unit rather than opposing armies.
This seminar has four sessions:
Each session develops how God has purposed to revive our souls through a proper use of His Word. God wants each of His children to continually deepen their relationship with Him. (Only handouts are available).
Ezekiel 14
The starting point for revival.
"If my people, .... " 2 Chronicles 7:14
2 Chronicles 6-7
2 Chronicles 7:12-15
2 Chronicles 7:14
God's means of Restoration
2 Chronicles 7:14
God's means of Restoration
2 Chronicles 7:14
God's means of Restoration
Ezra 9.8-10
At the heart of revival is the grace of God shown in His precious purposes that intertwine our broken lives with His abounding grace.
Psalm 119:25
Two basic needs for revival!
Walking in the Spirit: Soaring Above uses the analogy of birds and air to help us understand Spirit-filled living.
Without a proper complete view of the Gospel, a Christian cannot be strong. He is captivated by falsehood that regularly cripples Him. On the other hand, once we see the power of the Gospel, fire and floods will not hold back God's people from bringing God's kingdom to earth.
What is a revival? Is the term biblical or manmade?
How do revivals happen? Explain the process.
Is spiritual decline the opposite of a revival? How so?
What are three signs of revival in the Water Gate revival of Nehemiah?
Share a few great changes from the 1905 Welsh Revival.