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Redemption Through the Scriptures: Study Guide

: Gaining a Clearer Picture of Christ and His Saving Work

Redemption Through the Scriptures:
Study Guide (RTS-SG)

Paul J. Bucknell

Don’t wait until heaven for God’s best!

This study guide serves a companion for Redemption Through the Scriptures, which provides a chronological perspective of the biblical theology of redemption, enabling the redemption message to stir the believer into action–before he or she gets to heaven! Each of the 16 chapters has both regular and advanced study questions as well as a chapter summary to further apply and contemplate on these awesome truths of redemption.

Perfect for small groups and adult Sunday School classes.

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Redemption Through the Scriptures: Study GuideThis is the companion study guide for the book, Redemption Through the Scriptures where the theme of salvation is woven throughout the Bible, revealing God's plan for eternal life. Develop a deeper intimacy with the Lord and better fulfill your part of this great plan.

Like any magnificent work, whether in film, music, or drama, a plot is gradually revealed one step at a time, causing intrigue and wonder at what can or will be done. Each scene heightens the intensity until the final revelation, when everything becomes clear.

More on Redemption Through the Scriptures

Paul's experience (top to purchase)

Paul’s wide range of written materials on Christian life, discipleship, godly living, call to ministry, marriage, parenting, anxiety and other topics provide special insights that are blended into his many books and training materials including this book.

Bucknell family 2009His experience has been further broadened during his many international Christian leader training seminars. Paul has authored over twenty-five books and is president of Biblical Foundations for Freedom.

Paul has been married 45+ wonderful years and has eight children and eight grandchildren!

Learn more about Biblical Foundations for Freedom or Rev. Paul J. Bucknell.

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