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Our Personal Calling from Titus

Our Personal Calling (Titus 1:1)

Godly Beginnings for the Family

Godly Beginnings for the Family
Prebirth to infant care and advice.

Godly Beginnings for the Family

Principles & Practices of Biblical Parenting
Practical and biblical advice on raising godly children from toddler and up to teens.

Biblical DVD

BFF's Discipleship material in one spot! pdfs, powerpoints, podcasts and much more!

Waiting for ministry

Take the ten steps over the bridge of hope to the peace of God. Each step leads further from anxiety and closer to God and the truths of His Word. Instruction on how to overcome fears, worries and handle temptation for lasting peace.

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Building a Great Marriage!

Building a Great Marriage

Finding Faith, Forgiveness and Friendship

Paul J. and Linda Bucknell

Observe the three powerful steps involved in having God make a great marriage!

A Bible school president says of their course that uses Building a Great Marriage, " Everyone is blessed through your book, which helps build great marriages. Since God designed marriage, the closer we approach that original plan, the better the marriage."

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Building a Great Marriage is available!

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Paperback: Building a Great Marriage available!


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Teaching Package

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Multimedia - BFF's Marriage Training Library

Multimedia - BFF's Parenting Training Library (see more)

Has all of the BFF Parenting Digital Library's amazing training material, including the two e-books, Godly Beginnings for the Family and Principles and Practices of Biblical Parenting, along with the many other related BFF parenting resources!

Building a Great Marriage book

Building a Great Marriage focuses around three important building blocks for a great marriage: faith, forgiveness and friendship.

  • Faith enables us to gain God's view of marriage. This is where we learn His design for marriage and how it works.

  • Forgiveness gently shows us how to restore broken marriages and relationships so that the couples can then build on God’s design.

  • Friendship begin to describe the entrance into a beautiful marriage.

Comments on Building a Great Marriage

Have you given up on having a great marriage? Many have.

Do you remember your grand hopes for your marriage? Don’t throw them away too quickly. God uses these hopes to inspire us to have great marriages!

If our marriages are carefully built according to the design of our Maker, then these strong foundations will enable us to build elegant and glorious unions. Building a Great Marriage focuses around three important building blocks for a great marriage: faith, forgiveness and friendship.

Linda and I have not been able to have many of those romantic getaways while homeschooling our eight children and being involved in busy ministries! Instead, we show how biblical truths are practically worked out in our normal, busy, and often difficult situations. Building a Great Marriage, along with its study questions, provides what couples need to know to understand and live out those great marriages.

God has seeded those high hopes into our hearts so marriages would grow, thrive and reflect His glorious ways. Should we not turn to Him and His Word to obtain those rich, intimate, and beautiful marriages, all built on His intricate design? Let’s now turn and together build those great marriages.

Building a Great Marriage Content

Acquire God's View of Marriage

Keep God's design clearly in focus

Restoring Hope To Your Marriage

Enables a couple to get back on track to having a great marriage through strengthening their hope by instruction on the biblical design of marriage.

Unconditional Love

Great marriages are built on great plans. Learn about unconditional agape love: its description, power and challenges.

Humble Submission

Great marriages need great wives. Learn the secret key to being a woman filled with God's power and love.

Oneness Forever

Great marriages are built on God's proclamation that the couple is now one. To the degree a couple builds upon this truth, the marriage will grow and mature. To the degree a couple live out their own independent wills, the marriage will suffer.

Recover from Marital Setbacks

Forgive one another in love

Understanding & Overcoming Marital Conflict

Great marriages have virtually been able to eliminate conflict. How? Come understand the source of marital conflicts and how to overcome them!

Resolving Marital Crises & Avoiding Conflict

Great marriages know how to resolve crises without breaking into arguments and conflict. Want to learn how? Join in on this session complemented by charts.

Replacing Marital Bitterness with Forgiveness

Learn how bitterness is the number one killer of marriages and how to eliminate it completely from your marriage without the cost of a psychiatrist!

Obtain a Great Marriage

Develop a deep and enriching relationship

Cultivating Intimacy in Your Marriage

Great marriages are intimate marriages! Learn more about marital intimacy, how to become more intimate, and the purpose of marital intimacy.

Developing Trust & Intimacy in Marriage

Intimacy can grow only as mutual trust develops. Learn how trust grows and how to meet the love of God to gain that trust.

"Love Never Fails"

Great marriages are filled with God's love. Join with us as we explore how to bring His love into our marriages step by step practically. Remember "Love never fails." It works!

About us!

Bucknell family 2009We (Paul & Linda) have been married 45+ wonderful years and have been raising children for all but two years; now it is helping with the grandchildren!

Challenging years, hard financial times, 8 children, and a busy ministry life did not allow for much romance. God's biblical principles, however, when practically understood, have enormously helped us in our marriage.

Rev. Paul Bucknell travels internationally, giving workshops on marriage, parenting, and other topics to pastors and Christian leaders, and has written more than 60 articles on marriage alone and more than twenty books.

Read more and learn how to apply God's Word to your own marriage or to practically teach or aid another couple.

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