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Relational Discipleship: Cross Training

Learning to grow in relationship with God and people!

Paul J. Bucknell

Relational Discipleship: Cross Training

Introduction to Relational Discipleship: Cross Training

Relational Discipleship (RD) is carefully designed to give a good grounding in the Christian faith for new or stagnant Christians. These twelve studies are founded upon Jesus’ summary of all the commandments, ‘to love God’ and ‘to love others.’ Although it includes much teaching, it focuses on healing relationships through biblical analogies that people are already familiar with from the scriptures. Great for Teen/Adult Sunday School, small group, and personal discipleship.

Further description below. Special

Relational Discipleship is now available!

Download RD: pdf $8.25 Add to Cart
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Download RD: E-formats (pdf,epub,Kindle) $9.50 Add to Cart
Paperback now available RD $9.99 Add to Cart
Ongoing web access to Discipleship #1 Library (includes RD ebooks) Save $5 $34.99 Add to Cart

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Teaching Package – only $29.99 (top)

d1For teaching materials, refer to the BFF Discipleship #1 Digital Library, for only a bit more. All the resources in the library are either downloadable from the cloud on an ongoing basis or shipped worldwide on a USB Flash Drive. This is a great deal offering all of our discipleship level 1 materials, powerpoints and handouts along with any accompanying videos and audios. The D1 Library also contains a RD teacher's guide (44 pages) and powerpoints.

It is now on the cloud so you can download each item at your convenience to any of your devices.

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More complete description of Cross Trainer's discipleship materials

Cross Training Basic Discipleship SeriesMuch too often basic discipleship materials focus on the vertical relationship with God and have not sufficiently shown or challenged the individual on as to how Christ’s commands relate to horizontal, that is, personal relationships.

Man cannot grow in relationship with God more than he is willing to grow in his relationship with man. The opposite is true too. Man cannot grow in his relationship with others more than he has in his relationship with God.

Have you found a growing lack of commitment around you? The Relational Discipleship material strategically counters this attitude by consistently calling us to model our lives after Jesus Christ. The church has counted on the family to train people on how to rightly live or relate to others. This can no longer be taken for granted. It is imperative for the church to disciple her people or she will lose them.

Although ideal for one-to-one discipleship, the material can be used for a Sunday School class, sermon ideas or other teaching situations.

Advantages of Relational Discipleship (top)


Cross Training: Relational Discipleship

Contents of Relational Discipleship (top)

Theme: Knowing and resembling our Father

Focus: Son's obedience, loyalty

Theme: Reflecting God’s love

Focus: Lamb's provision, healing

Theme: Learning like Christ

Focus: Disciple's teachability, loyalty

Theme: Extending God’s glory

Focus: Kingdom obedience, meek

Theme: Love and constant service Focus: Bride's intimacy, affection

Theme: Living in a just world

Focus: Sinners' righteousness, mercy

Theme: Learning compassion and prayer

Focus: People's endurance, sacrifice

Theme: Devotedly serving God & others

Focus: faithful servant, attentive

Theme: Belonging to Him

Focus: Chosen and belonging, choice

Theme: God’s design for me

Focus: Stones' dependence, cooperation

Theme: Faithful to my commitment

Focus: Wife, covenant, obligation

Theme: Abiding in Christ

Focus: Branches' reliance, fruit

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