'Handling Marital Finances' helps the premarital counselor recognize any significant area of financial matters by reviewing some financial guidelines and answering targeted financial questions.
Couples often argue over how to handle their finances.It was okay when I made the decisions! The husband can still do that (and the wife should understand and appreciate that), but he is not wise to do it without his wife’s input. The reason to make them one is to gain extra wisdom.
Get into the touchy areas. See if they are both committed to tithing, how they use credit cards, debt in general, etc.. Remember this session builds on the former ones that discuss good communication and decision making.
Finances is another area for them to discuss!...
Further discussion is found in the book.
We will next look at how to work through differences between the spouses in a new marriage. Next ->
Singles and Purity
Explains how a single can be sexually pure by God's power!
Getting Married Right!
Build your marriage on God's will for your lives by focusing on five areas of concern.
Building a Great Marriage
Special emphasis is on identifying the problems to poor marriages and three keys to great marriages.
Adjusting to Marriage
Understand the five critical steps to setting up a great marriage!
Benefits of Sexual Purity
Five great benefits to staying pure!
Biblical Perspective of Finding a Spouse
How shall a man find a good wife - the bad and right ways? A word to single women.
Understanding Pleasure in Marriage and Life
Find out the right place pleasure is to have in your marriage and sexual intimacies. Avoid extremes of rejection, shunning or being ruled by pleasure.
The Discovery of Love
Many marriages are running on human love. This is why they are failing to bring the fulfillment they were supposed to. Discover the difference between human and divine love.
Your Goal for Marriage
What is your goal of marriage? Why is it that the dream of a perfect union so often results in two separated lives?
Defending the Design of Marriage
Six evidences of the design of marriage are given. To the degree a couple follows God's design, the more beautiful their marriage will be.
The Problems of a little Lust
A chart shows the many consequences of lust in a marriage. Now is the time for purity!
Fear of God & Avoiding Fornication
Is purity hard? Then think through the way God deals with fornication.
The Marriage Breakdown
Marriage is under siege! Unbiblical views are infiltrating the young bride and bridegroom's mindset.
Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted:
(C) Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1988