“You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32)
Jesus concisely asserted the truth sets us free–not our feelings. In other words, the push to focus on our feelings strips us of our hope to live above our sinful lives cluttered with Satan’s temptations. We are more than our chemistry and have a soul that Christ redeems to experience the power of Christ is in our lives!
1. What is the difference between truth and true in the modern context?
2. Why is it that people are encouraged to follow their feelings?
3. Is it always right to follow our beliefs? Why or why not?
4. How is it that truth shapes or molds what we do?
5. Why is obedience so key to a Christian’s spiritual growth?
6. How does the truth relate to what is moral?
7. Why are the experiences of some believers best described as that which goes up and down?
8. How is love related to the truth?
9. Read John 8:32 and describe how the truth sets a person free. What is it they are set free from? How so?
Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted:
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