Too Many People Interested in Full-time Service? is part eight of a series on Train Up New Leaders for Ministry which provides ideas for churches facing the challenge of simultaneously training up many leaders, perhaps after a mission conference that was well responded to.
You might be one of those blessed churches that have several people who have committed themselves to full-time service. Now you wonder if it is a blessing!
How can you possibly train them? This is not as difficult as it seems at first. Remember, God is in charge. If God is calling several individuals from your church, then you can handle the training.
Our church has started a group for those interested in full-time ministry. The pastor does not do this alone but with other trainers. It is a time to share encouraging stories about how you and others have been led by the Lord, a time to share with each other what God is doing in their lives and bring up many of the questions those pursuing full-time service ask.
Some attendees might have gone to a special conference; some might not have. In any case get them together. From there you will help introduce certain areas of training all at once.
If you have two or more people who have dedicated their lives to serve the Lord or are strongly contemplating doing so, get them together for a meal and have them together share their experiences. You might have your pastor share first.
Get them all together on a somewhat regular basis. Use their own energy, excitement and love for God to encourage each another. We suggest that you set a regular monthly meeting (e.g. 3rd Tuesday).
One night you might have them list the obstacles that they face and then have them each share three of these obstacles that God needs to help them overcome. You can start off with your own personal account and end with joint prayer. Tape the session for those who can’t attend so that they can hear it later.
Much more can be said regarding any of these issues, but this general and specific plan helps organize church leaders into being enriching mentors rather than frustrated leaders.
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