The Training Process is part five of a series on Train Up New Leaders for Ministry which gives confidence to a mentor on how to train someone in one's local church using one's own resources.
God wants great leaders and good shepherds. We can be one hundred percent sure of this. The Lord came along Joshua’s side and showed him how God wanted him to succeed as a leader (see Joshua 1). He desires that every leader would do wonderful so that His sheep are well-fed and guarded.
God spoke harshly against lazy or selfish shepherds in the Bible (Ezekiel 34).
Great leaders are sensitive to God’s desires. They want to obey Him. They are there to serve others. I am sure you have seen wonderful examples of these hardworking shepherds that prioritize the needs of others like the Great Shepherd the Lord Jesus. Behind the various gifting, we are looking for dedication and faithfulness.
We need to strategically help these shepherds-in-training to prepare for ministry nearby or in a faraway land across the seas. We have seen too many men go into ministry only to give up after a few years of service. They were not well prepared.
We need a general and a specific plan. Seminaries and Bible schools are not designed to train a person’s character but advance their knowledge. Nor does it train them on how to relate to others with whom they disagree.
The place to train individuals such qualities is in your own church before they attend any formal training.
We would also expect a seminary to excel in training students on how to train others, but unfortunately this is the exception unless they are to become a professor. They can often do some deep exegetical study in the original language but have not learned how to disciple a person or start a church.
Many church leaders want to pass this responsibility onto others because they have never been trained themselves. They might not know how to equip another or help another improve one’s personal character.
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Let’s trust God to use us to help better prepare these young (and maybe not so young) ones going into ministry. (The Godly Man has many free resources and studies on how to deepen the leader’s character.)
Fortunately, we work under the Lord. As we seek Him, God will help us know what steps to take. Even if we have been involved in much training in the past, we still need to humbly seek God for His wisdom and direction for every individual concerned. We need this specific direction to guide us in taking practical steps to help him or her. We will speak more of this later.
Ask God to teach you to be an effective trainer and teacher. First, identify what training you have gone through in the past. Then list what training you have learned from experience. You will use these experiences to help encourage others.
Then identify areas in which you need to learn more. Make steps to do this as the Lord provides.
Specifically, ask the Lord to help you understand the training process and a specific plan to help each individual seeking full-time service. Remember God is in control, and you are His assistant.
Next => The General Plan