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The Lord Your Healer: 

Discover Him and Find His Healing Touch by Paul J. Bucknell

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Discover Him and Find His Healing Touch

First step of discipleship
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The Bible Teaching Commentary on Genesis: The Book of Foundations

Commentaries that specialize on training the teacher!

Overcoming Anxiety: Finding Peace, Discovering God


Train Leaders for Ministry by Paul J. Bucknell

Train Leaders for Ministry

The process of caring for those who have committed themselves
to full-time service.

Rev. Paul J. Bucknell

Train up! | Support God's Work | Leader's Responsibility
Confirmation of the Call | Training Process | General Plan | Specific Plan
Too Many People | Summary

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The Leader's Responsibility


The Leader's Responsibility is part three of a series on Train Leaders for Ministry which shows how church leaders are responsible to care for the training of the upcomng leaders in the church.

The question that faces us is, “How does a church leader best help a person who comes forward at a mission’s conference in response to God’s call to full-time service?”

Let’s think about this a moment. The decision he or she has made to go into full-time service is very important. This person has put his or her life into God’s hands.

More often than not, however, they do not really know what this kind of decision practically means. They have no idea the challenges of being pastor or missionary nor the required skills to effectively serve. Unlike many around them, they are not usually responding to the job opportunity but to the Lord Himself and His truth.

God has impressed certain truths very clearly on their minds and hearts and so that they are willing to make that decision public.

I personally was studying at the University of Maine to be an engineer when God called me. I had to grapple with many decisions. The Training ProcessNo one was there at my side to help me discern these issues. This was partly because of my quiet nature but also because there was no one there to discuss these deep spiritual issues.

As a leader in the church, believe that God has given you and others about you sufficient wisdom, resources, experience and grace to help this person get to where he needs to go.

You might feel inadequate for this assignment. If you haven’t been to seminary, you don’t know how to train them. If you have been to seminary, you might miss out on your training opportunity by simply suggesting that they attend a school like yours and share how you were helped by your seminary experience.

Both of these responses will unfortunately keep you as God’s leader from rightly carrying out your faith–building role. God chooses to give birth to a child through the mother because she is capable to nurture the child. In the same way God will give you wisdom to encourage these upcoming leaders as you depend upon Him for help.

A Leader’s Project

Let this be a journey of faith for you as much as for them. They have a lot to learn from you, but if you are like many leaders, you don’t very well understand the process of passing experience, insight and knowledge on to others. Our good mentor, the Spirit of God, is there to lead us.

Next => Inward and Outward Confirmation of the Call