Mastering the Facts
Session #6
Destroy and Occupy
- The car's body and engine illustrate how easy it is to think only of our superficial worries. True or False.
- Our helplessness comes from using ________ and ________ that are totally unsuitable in effectively dealing with our spiritual problems.
- What are the first two of the three problems that God gave to the Israelites when attacking Jericho?
_________________ , _________________, and the 46 foot high wall .
- 2 Corinthians 10:5 lists two very important principles. Name them.
#1 ____________________Exposing the lies
#2 ____________________ Affirm the truths.
- The passage of Ephesians 4:17-18 illustrate how seeds of doubt grow into evil words and behaviors.
- Jesus shows us through two examples how Peter's words and actions are linked to what he believed. True or False.
- What are the three things that need to be tested with the truth to detect and destroy lies? ____________, ____________, and obedience.
- Root level lies are different from branch level lies because they are__________ _________ to the insecurity of our lives.
- ____________ and __________ are parallel to Session #6's theme, "Destroy and Occupy."
- The battle takes form in the feelings that influence our minds. True or False.