Paul J. Bucknell
Genesis 13 setting | Step #1 Observe | God's Protection | Application | Step #2 Utilize | Hebrew | Abram's Decison | God's Love | #3 Secure -1 | Secret Prayer 2-3 | King Melchizedek 14:18-20 | Spiritual Picture | Melchizedek in Bible | Closing Application
Genesis 14:14-16 is an excellent picture of the gospel love, hidden away here in the life of Abram. He had a valiant faith to put others above his own needs and resources. We need more men like him! How about you?
What is it that Abram so well modeled? He left his comfortable and blessed position for the sake of others. He risked all–at crazy odds– in hope that God would perpetuate His blessing through he attempt to rescue Lot.
Christians battle at two levels. Most are aware of the struggle to refrain from doing what is wrong. We try to be good by saying no to the bad. This is part of the Christian life but not the whole. Don’t stop there.
Abram gives us a great perspective here on the greater call upon our lives along with the authority we have in Christ. We can take our blessing that comes from God and share it with others.
This is the heart of missions. We give up our comforts for the sake of others. Other needs rise above the care for ourselves. Through this God’s people replicate God’s love and replant it in different lands and hearts.
Whenever a church or people begin to live for their own ease and comfort and do not apply the lessons of sacrificial love, then that church or people begin to die.
Is there some people or situation the Lord has set on your heart to respond to? If so, have you responded? How so? If not, why not?
Is your church or personal life in the dying process? Why not seek God for what you can do for others at a cost to your own comfort?
#1 Observe God’s Blessing (Genesis 14:1-10)
Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted:
(C) Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1988