Paul J. Bucknell
Genesis 13 setting | Step #1 Observe | God's Protection | Application | Step #2 Utilize | Hebrew | Abram's Decison | God's Love | #3 Secure -1 | Secret Prayer 2-3 | King Melchizedek 14:18-20 | Spiritual Picture | Melchizedek in Bible | Closing Application
This is a special application on the lessons from Genesis 14:1-10 from the former page on God's blessings on Abram. It states the importance of observing blessings like these in our lives.
Go through your life. Think through the ways God has blessed you. It could have been otherwise. Thank Him. Learn to be more observant each day.
During our daily family devotions (i.e. Family altar), we give thanks to the Lord for various things during the day. We could once a week make sure we pick out those things that we miss.

A Christian once said to me that he had not seen God’s blessing in his life. But when I looked at his life, things seemed to be pretty well off. I realized that this believer did not recognize that the blessings of his Christian family were actually blessings from God. He had harmony, love, provisions and care all about him even though he had difficulty finding a job.
He was not out on the street. Those that are brought up in Christian homes and churches, can very will take these things for granted. Do not. God is trying to train you to win your heart.
By ignoring these good things, you are not reconfirming your values as stemming from Him. When this connection is not well-formed, then the believer begin to question what the world advocates is better, but the world honestly does not deliver on its promises.
Just look at those who needlessly have ruined relationships, confused purposes and compromised lives–they have so much needless pain.
Those who have grown up in Christian homes often get confused as to what is good and great. They reap the benefits of the proper lives but do not realize they are tied to the way of life.
Some think they can have the same benefits and the lusts of the world. No, it doesn’t work that way. Don’t experiment with the world thinking you can hang on to these blessings that you are used to and enjoy the wickedness around you. Only trauma, pain, struggle, bitterness comes from the world.
The more we live by the truth, the more we will be blessed. So all the harmony, love, kindness you have–that is from the Lord because people live by the Word.
The barrenness, strife, hatred and bitterness come when someone disobeys. This is why the young who have not seen the world in action can be easily persuaded a certain philosophy is right because they have not seen the long term results from that belief.

James says, “Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation, or shifting shadow” (James 1:16-17).
#1 Observe God’s Blessing (Genesis 14:1-10)
Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted:
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