Intro & Outline | 1:1-2:2 | 2:3-2:17 | 2:18-3:24 | 4:1-5:21
What does it mean to follow Jesus anyway?
This page has Bible study questions for the series entitled 'Growing in Confidence' on 1 John 2:28-3:10. Refer to the index below to read more on 1 John, a summary of this section of 1 John (1 John 2:18-3:24) or the particular studies to help you reflect on the answers to these questions.
Bible Study Questions
GROWING IN CONFIDENCEA. John’s Hope for a Christian
(1 John 2:28)1. What basic questions concerning Christianity have you heard? Do you have answers for them?
2. What are the three teachings from 1 John 2:28 that help us stay focused on John’s teaching in the next verses?
3. What is the danger mentioned in 1 John 2:28? Do you think this is a real danger for Christians? What about for you? Why or why not?
4. What are the three wonders of being a child of God as seen in 1 John 3:1-3? Which is your favorite to think about?
B. The Spheres of Life and Death
(1 John 2:29-3:10)5. The first element to discuss about our Christian life (plane of life) is our spiritual birth. This addresses how one can find life. Find all the references that have something to do with the new birth 1 John 2:28-3:10.
6. What does ‘born of Him’ mean? (1 John 2:29)
7. From 1 John 2:29 show the connection John is making between being born of God and what kind of life he should live because of that new birth.
8. How is this connected to 1 John 3:9? Put this verse in your own words
9. What is the purpose of the evil one? Think back upon the temptation in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3). What was the result of that sin he induced? Explain death? (1 John 3:8,10)
C. The Pathways to Death and Life
(1 John 3:1-10)10. What are the two key words that define the expression of the sinful nature? (1 John 3:4). Explain each of them.
11. What does Revelation 20:13-15 show us about how mankind will be judged?
12. Explain the new birth and its result on the Christian life from 1 John 3:9.
13. Will a Christian always live out righteousness? See 1 John 3:9. Why so? If needed, find some more mature Christians and ask them the meaning of this verse
14. Explain some activities you did and decisions you took this week because the seed of righteousness is in your life. Did you feel the battle of the evil one?
D. The Final BattleWhen Life destroys Death (1 John 3:5,8)
15. From what you hear around you, do you believe most people think that the forces of darkness or of life are stronger? What about you?
16. What light does 1 John 3:5 and 8 shed on this issue?
17. What is God’s process of destroying the powers of darkness? Think about the seed of righteousness that He has planted. Also refer to Matthew 5:13-16.
18. Do you try to think a person can live in between the light and the dark? Is it possible to be not righteous but not evil either? Why or why not? How does John want us to think of this?
19. How does holiness come? (1 John 3:3)
20. What happens when we see God? (1 John 3:2).
21. Some people are frustrated with their Christian life because they are not close to God and therefore to do reflect Him well. What steps are you taking to get closer to God?
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Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted:
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