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The Lord Your Healer: 

Discover Him and Find His Healing Touch by Paul J. Bucknell

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Overcoming Anxiety: Finding Peace, Discovering God


Building a Great Marriage

Restoring Hope To Your Marriage

Study Questions

Paul and Linda J. Bucknell

#1 Restoration of hope | God's View of Marriage | Marriage Hope Project
Great marriages happen! | Handling Disappointment | Study Questions
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buy marriage bookPurpose: Enables a couple to get back on track to having a great marriage through strengthening their hope by instruction on the biblical design of marriage. These study questions for Restoring Hope to your Marriage help one to integrate the teaching of restoring hope to one's marriage.

Study Questions

1. From the best marriages you know, what makes ‘great marriages?’ List at least three things.

2. What are some heart signs of a spouse having given up on their marriage?

3. ....

Study Project


The complete Building a Great Marriage book along with all the study questions, are available at our BFF store resource center.

The book can be downloaded worldwide or sent in printed form in the USA. Handouts, audios and videos can be purchased by downloading or mailing the BFF Marriage Library. Click here or read more below!

Building a Godly MarriagePurchase or download the book 'Building a Greart Marriage'You can order the Building a Great Marriage printed seminar materials including handouts at the BFF Resource Center. Or even better get the BFF Marriage Training Library which includes all all our marriage articles including powerpoints, audios and videos.


Other resources:

If you want a guided tour on how to restore broken marriages (yours or others), check out "Hope for Damaged Marriages." This process implements this session by restoring hope.