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Superando La Mediocridad: Volviendote un Vencedor

Audio Discipleship Training Seminar #8

D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity: Becoming an Overcomer -
Superando La Mediocridad: Volviendote un Vencedor

#8 Venciendo el Enojo: Poseyendo la Paciencia de Dios

Translated from English into Spanish

Rev. Paul J. Bucknell

Audio Training: #1 Vencedor | #2 Elecciones | #3 Fuerza | #4 Ganar
Overcome...: #5 Ansiedad | #6 Orgullo | #7 Codicia | #8 Enojo
Overcome...:#9 Depresión | #10 Siendo un Vencedor

D2 Index | Spanish Main Training Index

The claw of angerDejarle el control al Señor le permite a uno pararse lejos del alcance del enojo y su odio.

Aunque contrario a nuestras experiencias, el enojo puede ser controlado. Aprende las dinámicas emocionales y espirituales del enojo y como la amabilidad, paciencia y misericordia son supremamente mejores que nuestro trato arrogante de otros.

Click below to listen to the mp3 audio on Possessing God’s Patience, Overcoming Anger - Venciendo el Enojo: Poseyendo la Paciencia de Dios

Reaching Beyond Mediocrity - Being an Overcomer
Superando La Mediocridad: Volviendote un Vencedor
#8 Venciendo el Enojo: Poseyendo la Paciencia de Dios
Downloads: Video | Audio

Our full set of exercises, slides and handouts are available as part of the BFF Spanish library! If you live in South or Central America, you can get this for free, otherwise check out our store!


Know someone with a problem of anger? Learn how anger hurts people and where it comes from. Acquire the skills to help angry people become those who patiently accomplish God’s will.

(1) Observe the times you get angry.
(2) Tracing Anger Responses
(3) Preventing Anger
(4) Combating Anger
(5) Six Practical Steps in Overcoming Anger

español Resource Library DVDPurchase the BFF Spanish Christian library!

Check out the BFF Spanish Library available at our BFF Store. This either can be downloaded when you desire or can get on a double-sided Library or thumbdrive. Includes all our many Spanish resources. Free to adapt and use!
If you are from Central/South American, be sure to check our Seed Project for free resources (download only).

Next -> Listen or view Sesión #9!

Directory of Discipleship Articles

Introduction to Discipleship's 3 Stages and The Flow
Basic Discipleship Stage
Basic discipleship stage and BFF materials.
Intermediate Discipleship Stage
intermediate discipleship stage and BFF materials.
Advanced Discipleship Stage
Advanced discipleship stage and BFF materials.
The Flow
Diagram of integrated Discipleship
Spirit-Dependent Teaching
7 principles on excellent teaching.
Designing discipleship curriculum
Stages and goals of discipleship
Discipleship Shapers
Learning how Christians grow
Understanding the Cycle of Decline and Revival (Judges 2)