Check out these BFF articles!

The BFF Digital Libraries

Relational Discipleship: Cross Training

Learning to grow in relationship with God and people!

Discipleship/Sunday School material for training how to properly relate to others.

BFF Marriage Digital Library

See all the materials in the BFF Marriage Library!

Building a Great Marriage! book by Paul J. Bucknell

Building a Great Marriage is not for the next life but now! See how.

Redemption Through the Scriptures: 

Gaining a Clearer Picture of Christ and His Saving Work

Redemption Through the Scriptures is a great book chronologically going through the scriptures presenting God's grand plan of redemption. Lots of graphics.

Waiting for ministry

Take the ten steps over the bridge of hope to the peace of God Each step leads further from anxiety and closer to God and the truths of His Word Instruction on how to overcome fears, worries and handle temptation for lasting peace.

Visit the BFF Store Resources


The Seed Project: Empowering God's people for His great work!

The Seed Project

Free Christian training materials

Download: pdf | Apple/Nook

Free ongoing access to BFF Christian training digital libraries is now being offered around the world! Like a seed flying through the air, we want to see biblical training materials reach every corner of the world. As a believer is strengthened, he or she spiritually grows and becomes a greater blessing to others. See if you qualify below.

For more than 15 years Biblical Foundations for Freedom (BFF) by God's grace has been strategically creating biblically-based and graphically-enhanced training Christian resources. It is time for the power of God's Word to be set free in His people's lives. Our 7 English BFF Digital Libraries and international resources are included! An introductory video is below.

BFF 7 English Digital Lbiraries for Christian growth!



Discipleship (Christian living)


Media-enhanced biblical training resources include 20+ books, full-fledged seminars, handouts, audio/videos, powerpoints, maps, Bible studies and much more!

International Resources (Other than English):

Africa (east): Kenya, Tanzania & Sudan: Swahili || Luo (new)
Africa (east) Malawi: Chichewa
Burma, Myanmar: Burmese
China: Chinese (Mandarin) 中文家庭及門徒培訓的材料
Ethiopia: Amharic
India: Bengali | Hindi | Telugu
Nepal: Nepali, Nepalese
Philippines: Visaya, Cebuano, Bisaya
Spanish world: Spanish
Uganda: Luganda

If you language is not seen, welcome us to do training in your land! Contact Pastor Paul:

Qualifications & Conditions for Free Access

You must live in a developing country with access to the internet, a computer or some computer device that can read pdfs, epubs, listen to mp3s or show videos. An internet cafe works as well as a smart phone or tablet. If you or your church is financially able to afford these resources, even though you live in such countries, we suggest you make a donation or order through our BFF store. This enables us to focus on meeting the needs of those who truly need this offer.

These materials are indefinitely loaned to you by BFF and are not for resale. If the access demand is too great, we have the right to prioritize the requests for those serving in full-time Christian ministry, but now it is open to all. Please feel free to edit, translate and adapt the resources to our your purposes if they build up the people of God.

These materials are also for sale at our BFF web store where thumb drives are also available.

How do you apply?

Request via email with "Project Seed" in the subject area. Provide at least city (town) and country. If you are involved in ministry, we would love to hear a short description of your ministry. There is no cost to you except your internet charges. Our email is at the bottom of the page. Have each person individually apply if at all possible. We usually respond within 12 hours.

Thinking about being a distributer?

Do you know those who might benefit? We welcome you to join us in distributing these resources. Normally, you would simply provide this web page's link to your friends (or our email address below), and they upon briefly introducing who they are in their email receive the key link to access the libraries.

If you, for example are a pastor, misisonary or teacher, and know many people in a developing country, introduce yourself to me (Paul). There are several options -all volunteer. You can personally pass the link on to others as you travel. Or for those without internet service, get a USB flashdrive and distribute it that way. (English libraries: 30 gb; International libraries 50 gb.)

if there are questions or desire for usage by larger groups, contact Paul at (+01) 412-398-4559 (in USA).

Go => Project Seed | BFF Store

About Paul J. Bucknell (top to purchase)

Bucknell family 2009Rev. Paul Bucknell has been married 35+ wonderful years and has eight children along with three grandchildren!

With oversea church planting ministry in Taiwan during the 80s and pastoral experience during the 90s, Paul is able to use his many experiences to address the challenges Christian believes and church leaders face around the world.

In 2000 the Lord called Paul to start this ministry. His experience has been further enriched by his many international Christian leader training seminars. Paul has authored more than twenty books and as president of Biblical Foundations for Freedom holds Christian training seminars around the world.