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The Book of Jonah 3:1-10 A Second Chance: Discovering God's Love in the Old Testament

Paul J. Bucknell

Jonah 3:1-10 Intro | Misunderstandings | 3:1-3a God Loves Us | 3:1-3a Succeed | 3:3b-10 God Loves All - Nineveh | 3:3b-10 Wickedness | 3:3b-10 Revival

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Jonah Introduction | Jonah 1:1-6 Questions | Jonah 7-17 Questions | Jonah 1-17 Advanced Questions


The Book of Jonah 3:1-10

A Second Chance:

Discovering God's Love in the Old Testament

This article along with video, powerpoints, etc. can be found in BFF's Old Testament Training Library.

BFF Old Testament Library Resources

A Second Chance: Discovering God's Love in the Old Testament is an expository sermon from Jonah 3:1-10 enabling us to see how a proper view of God's mercy enables us to experience personal revival that can even run through the veins of our big cities.

Overview of Book of Jonah

Each of Jonah’s chapter scenes take us into a whole different situation, helping us get a better handle on key issues of life:

Chapter 1 - he was on a ship in a raging storm running from God.

Chapter 2 - Jonah was in the belly of the big fish reluctantly speaking to God.

Chapter 3 - Jonah is seen obeying God and being used to bring about a world-shaking experience.

Chapter 4 - Jonah is seated on a hot seat, grumbling about viewing God’s mercy in the desert sands outside Nineveh.

Map of suggested route Jonah took to Nineveh from where the fish spew him out.


Jonah’s Journey to Nineveh

At the end of chapter 2, God heard Jonah’s prayer, brought him up out of the depths of the sea, from the belly of a great fish, and vomited him onto dry land. (Note: Jonah did not even have to swim a hundred yards to get to shore, as he deserved!) Where do you think Jonah found himself?

I somehow sense it was near a road leading to Nineveh such as Tyre. And if we have any sense of imagination, quite consistent with the many other special arrangements God had made in the Book of Jonah up to this point, there was a caravan going that direction that next day.

If we accept the Book of Jonah as true and trustworthy, and we should for Jesus trusted its veracity (Matthew 12:39-41; Mark 16:4; Luke 11:29-32), then we must discard any notions that God is not involved in the world or our personal lives. The opposite is true: God is greatly concerned for us, and so we also must reject any thoughts about God being uncaring. Though Jonah 3 might seem to be a simple story, it is a powerful theological revelation of the merciful character of God.

Next => Misunderstandings of God

=> Check out our new Jonah study guide!

Study GUide for the Book of Jonah

Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted: (C) Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1988

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