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Discover Him and Find His Healing Touch by Paul J. Bucknell

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Overcoming Anxiety: Finding Peace, Discovering God



Paul J. Bucknell

Jonah 3:1-10 Intro | Misunderstandings | 3:1-3a God Loves Us | 3:1-3a Succeed | 3:3b-10 God Loves All - Nineveh | 3:3b-10 Wickedness | 3:3b-10 Revival

Jonah Study Guide: Purchase
Jonah Introduction | Jonah 1:1-6 Questions | Jonah 7-17 Questions | Jonah 1-17 Advanced Questions


The Book of Jonah: A Brief Introduction

From the book: Study Questions for the Book of Jonah

Study Guide for the Book of Jonah

The Book of Jonah, framed by its incredible message, touches so deeply on key issues people across the centuries and cultures have struggled. Adventure and theology dance together in these four chapters.

  • How does God reveal His will to us? How should what God desires or plans for our lives influence our decisions? Why do we disobey if God is so caring? Is God involved in this world? If so, how? (Jonah 1)

  • How should one counsel a person running from God’s will? What are the fundamental parts of prayers that change things? (Jonah 2)

  • Why doesn’t God do something about the growing evil? Why aren’t God’s people more believing in God’s good work in this evil world? Is revival possible in our society? (Jonah 3)

  • God loves everyone so why does He judge people? What is the best way to care for a bitter person? Why is missions progressing so slowly across the world? (Jonah 4)

While the secular world boldly announces God’s irrelevance, the Book of Jonah reveals how intricately God involves Himself in so many different aspects of this world: He speaks to people, commands individuals, appoints animals, plants, and skies to bide His will, chastises His people, converses with individuals to persuade them, threatens judgment, warns godless people, brings His compassionate mercy and patiently teaches those lacking enlightenment.

God actively works in this world, individual lives, and huge cities alike. The Lord has not given up on this world but tirelessly works with His workman, the prophet Jonah, to continue relentlessly preaching God’s judgment and mercy to display His awesome grace.


=> Jonah study questions: Chapter 1:1-6

Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted: (C) Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1988

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