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Battling Sexual Immoralities in a Relativistic World

1 Corinthians 6:12-20

Flee Immorality (1 Corinthians 6:18)

The Bible Teaching Commentary

Paul J. Bucknell

Outline of 1 Corinthians
Writing about immoralities | Dangers of immorality
View #1: Subjectivism | View #2: Fixed Standards (1 Cor 6:12-20)
Flee Immorality | Only Two Choices
Bible Study Questions for 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

Introduction of 1 Corinthians 15 | Defending Resurrection (15:12-34)


The apostle continues to address difficult situations that have risen in the church. This time is all sorts of sexual immoralities.

Flee Immorality (1 Corinthians 6:18)

"Flee immorality. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the immoral man sins against his own body."

Here are nine suggestions to flee immorality.

  • Literally run like Joseph (bodily run)

We are to run from all such situations with immorality. Joseph set a wise precedence when he flew from immorality. Don't deliberate. The desires can get so strong, we just fall in with them. Move. Change locations. Study elsewhere. Or like I do most every day, move my head away from that direction. Or as on the web, move my eyes away from that ad. Or stay away from the web site or that store with such photos. Don't let their eye catch you.

  • Stop watching (eyes run)

I recommend to stop watching anything that has sensual thoughts, images or plots. As a single, that is the worse place to go. What you fire up will need to be put out. Best not to get the fires going.

  • Meditate on scripture warnings

Meditate and rehearse different scriptures reminding you of the dangers of immorality.

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  • Positively think of self as temple of God.

Positively think about yourself as a temple of the Holy Spirit. Your body is a temple of God. Your spirit lives in your body and the Holy Spirit in your spirit. RWP- "In Corinth was the temple to Aphrodite in which fornication was regarded as consecration instead of desecration. Prostitutes were there as priestesses of Aphrodite, to help men worship the goddess by fornication."

  • Don't think dating non-Christian is okay.

We should not contemplate marrying or even dating a non-Christian. Our standards should be clear even if means we will be single for life. At least we will please the Lord.

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  • Don't give up hope. 1) Repent 2) Change

No one is born a homosexual just as he is not born an adulterer. These are life choices. Desires seem natural and compulsive after a while because of repetition. These are the lusts that enslave. Only Christ can set you free.

  • Don't fool yourself (6:11)

Don't be deceived. The kingdom of God sets us free. If you live for your self, don't fool yourself. It would be better to admit that you are now a pagan posing as a Christian than find out out on the Day of Judgment. If you admit it now, you might even become a Christian.

  • You belong to God (6:20 bought with a price)

God purchased you. You belong to Him. You are not your own. You do not need to give in to your different fleshly needs.

  • Love what is good and holy

Lastly, you need to know of the consequences of immorality. But as the Apostle ended, you will only conquer these sins if you love what is good and holy. Truths will set you free from lust so that you can love. Just because a couple is married, it doesn't mean the husband loves his wife. He can still treat her with a selfish flare. God has so much more for us. We are the temple of God. We were bought with a price. We belong to Christ. God loves us.

Are you really going to find this love, power and security in immoral relations? No. They strip you from virtue and cover you inside and out with guilt and scars of broken relationships. Flee from them while you have a chance.

Next => Only Two Choices

Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted: (C) Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1988

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