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Life in the Spirit! Experiencing the Fullness of Christ

Life in the Spirit!

Experiencing the Fullness of Christ

Paul J. Bucknell

Life in the Spirit! Experiencing the Fullness of Christ

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Map of The Life in the Spirit!

Life in the Spirit! Experiencing the Fullness of Christ

Follow the path of biblical learning and learn how the Holy Spirit enables you to live a rich Christian life!

Section 1: Christian Beginnings (1-5)
Life and Belief

God’s Spirit powerfully works in the believer before, during and after salvation.

Section 2: Christian Growth (6-10)
Strength & Dedication

The Spirit wonderfully takes the young believer and builds him and her up to be a strong growing follower of Christ.

Section 3: Christian Service (11-14)
Faith & Filling

We often go about without any clear life purpose, but the Holy Spirit reveals His special purposes for us to serve God and others from our new birth onwards.

Section 4: Christian Doctrine (15-18)
Questions & Theology

There are many more difficult questions about the Holy Spirit that we sometimes wonder about. We attempt to answer some of them here.“If I do not go away, the Helper shall not come to you” (John 16:7).

Rev. Bucknell regularly teaches and trains principles of disicpleship to Christian leaders and laymen around the world .

Author's background
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Paul has been married 40+ wonderful years and has eight children and five grandchildren!

Paul’s wide range of written materials on the Christian life, discipleship, godly living, call to ministry, marriage, parenting, anxiety, and other topics provide special insights that are blended into his many books and training materials, including this book.

Bucknell family 2009His experience has been further broadened during his many international Christian leader training seminars. Paul has authored more than ten books and is president of Biblical Foundations for Freedom. Learn more about Biblical Foundations for Freedom or Rev. Paul J. Bucknell.

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Learn more about Biblical Foundations for Freedom or Rev. Paul J. Bucknell.