The Big Race

Joining in
What is the race like?
Can I make it?
Does it really matter?

Getting Ready
Getting in Shape
Training Process
Starting point
Reaching our goal
Signing up

Your Trainers
Distance Training
Course Overview

Crossing the Line
Readying the Mind
Mastering the Course
Deciding to Win

Running the Race
Gaining stamina
Overcoming hurdles
Roadside cheer
Feeling overwhelmed
Thoughts controlled!

BFF Homepage



Our first step to become an overcomer is to admit where we really are in life.
Our circumstances might change in life but an accurate assessment of our lives is always needed if we are to improve. If we cannot admit to our true circumstances, then there is no way for true help to come.

A doctor needs the correct diagnosis to prescribe the right medicine. A lost person must know where he is to ask for help. Complete the sentence by clicking on the category that best describes your life.

I am best represented by ->

(click one of the below)

You are apt to have many questions, but please follow through step by and step. There will be opportunity for you to ask those questions at a later period.