The Properly Functioning Cell Group
The intensity of our love is based on the fact that we cannot do without each other. Each stone is built upon the other. Each living stone is both depending upon and supporting the other. In a body, we cannot say any one stone is more important than another.
... you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house...
1 Peter 2:5
• Loved > Belonging
We are effectively networked into a spiritual house (small groups) so that everyone is enriched by God’s love through the personal lives of other Christians.
• Equipped > Service
We encouragingly teach, care and support each other so that we all can better serve one another and others. Spiritual gifts are given to be used for each other.
• United > One House
We expectantly worship, serve and pray together realizing that much more will be done in and through us when we unite to do God’s will (John 17:21).
Building Friendships that lead to sharing the faith (Morris in The High Impact Church, p. 93.)
1. Reach out to people, caring about their needs, frustrations and problems–without reservation or thought of manipulation.
2. Establish a trust relationship where genuine two-way communication takes place.
3. Share what Christ has done in your own life and encourage a personal commitment to Him.