Paul J. Bucknell
Cell groups - Nurturing groups of 8-12 where regular worship, intercessory prayer, accountability and fellowship around God’s Word binds the individuals into a cohesive unit.  Here these individuals can use their spiritual gifts, receive support, encourage each other and  seek to bring others to share their joy.

“Cells are the organism of the body of believers in small groups for the purpose of worship, experiencing God, ministering to one another and ministering to and evangelizing the community.”
 (Finnell, p.23)
We want to answer three questions in this seminar:
1• What is the purpose of the cell group?
2• What is a properly functioning cell group look like?
3• What are the leaders special role and responsibility?
The purposes of cell groups
It is good for us to discuss the reasons we have cell groups at all.  We do not have them because some other places have them.  We are not trying to be fashionable, but biblical (Acts 2:46). We have them because they take us to where we want to go.
Cell groups properly functioning provide the environment in which Christians can actively participate in each other’s life.  Cell members form functioning unitsUnless you are in active leadership, your chances for being close to other Christians is not high.  The cell group places you in a protected context with other Christians so that you can learn from them and give to them (Ephesians 4:11-13).  The word ‘cell’  best describes the supportive interaction between the many cells all to accomplish purposes greater than themselves.  
Cells are much like coals on a fire which shine brightest when laid next to others.  Cell groups are designed to provide this level of openness and accountability that enable each Christian to continue to grow normally.

“The purpose of a cell group is to create a Christian fellowship with one another and God that lives among the non-Christian community; to let the Light of Christ shine through each member in order to touch the lives of those around them; to bring them to the feet of Jesus and the fellowship of His body, the church; and to teach them to walk in His steps.” (Finnell, p. 23)
I Peter 2:4-5 clearly speaks about how we as the church – every Christian – can now all be a part of this process.
“As you come to him, the living Stone--rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him-- you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” (NIV)
Worship –> Living in God’s presence
• “As you come to him, the living Stone”
Edification –> Being mutually supported
• “you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house”
Ministry –> Serving God and others
• “a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices ...”

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Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Paul J. Bucknell