Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 || Study questions
1. What is hope?
2. What elements make the need for hope?
3. Describe how ten Bible verses use the word hope (5 in noun form; 5 in verb form).
4. Find five images of hope in the scripture for the people of God. Describe the hope found in them.
5. Identify ten needs or longings that make hope so important to the fabric of this world.
6. List several key changes that you expect to happen when God’s people are transported into the eternal world of God’s presence.
7. Will there be hope in heaven? Explain.
8. Will there be hope in hell? Explain.
This article and many others are part of our Digital Library #3 which helps mature Christians more effectively and nurture their spiritual lives.
This article concludes here but note the other BFF articles on hope below or search at the top for "hope".
Other BFF Resources on Hope
Strengthening our Hope, part 4/4 of Lesson #1 Establishing Hope, shows how to gain a strong confidence in God's Word so we can grow strong in our spiritual ...
Restoring Hope to your Marriage is part 1 of 6 which enables a couple to get back on track to having a great marriage through strengthening their hope by ...
Book of Nehemiah 3:1-32 - Hope That Brings Bright Changes | Part ...
Hope That Brings Bright Changes (Part 1/2) is an expository message on Nehemiah 3:1-32 that briefly, but with careful detail, shows how hope initiated the ...
Jesus Gives Us Hope (Overcoming Anxiety)
Jesus gives us hope because in all His difficult situations Jesus never worried. Also provided is an explanation why Jesus serves as our model.
Discovering the Bridge of Hope [OA01_14] uses the bridge motif to help us understand how we are to safely but assuredly reach our destination of Peace of ...
Overcoming Depression and Discouragement: Adopting God's Hope ...
Looking for relief from depression or find a cure to help the depressed? 'Adopting God's Hope, Overcoming Depression' carefully examines the root sources for ...
Luke 1:77-78 C) The Light and Hope of Christmas (Lu 1:77-78) provides four points helping us gain the meaning to all the Christmas scenese that are given to us.
1 Peter 1:3-12 Bible Study Questions - The Rich Hope of Salvation
(1) A Sure Hope (1:3). God's miraculous work in a believer begins one's spiritual birth and new life enabled through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. “Blessed be ...
Coach Hope - Hope is the confidence that a certain pathway will ...
We often think that our greatest hope comes from ignoring our real problems and pretending all is well. But we are only fooling ourselves and others. Blind faith ...
Podcast - Establishing Hope: Discipleship Level 2: Reaching ...
Establishing Hope, the first of ten lessons in the Discipleship 2: Reaching Beyond Mediocrity series, shows the importance of hope and how to gain a strong ...
Hope for Damaged Marriages: Psalm 107:10-16, 33-35
By encouraging the couple with the reality of God's promises in a few minor areas , hope and confidence develops in God's Word for more serious problems.
Luke 1:76-80 Hope in the Darkness by Paul J. Bucknell
Luke 1:76-80 serves as an introduction of Christ's birth and mission given to John the Baptist's parents where we first catch a glimpse of how that Light, a symbol ...