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God's peace can help us live above anxieties as we learn to trust in Him!

The Lord Your Healer: 

Discover Him and Find His Healing Touch by Paul J. Bucknell

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Discover Him and Find His Healing Touch

First step of discipleship
revive devotions
Advanced Discipleship

The Bible Teaching Commentary on Genesis: The Book of Foundations

Commentaries that specialize on training the teacher!

Overcoming Anxiety: Finding Peace, Discovering God


Testimonies of Faith and Faithfulness

The Godly Man: Transformed by God's Faithfulness

Faith & Faithfulness | Hebrews 11 | Counterfeit Faith | Righteous live by Faith | God's Faithfulness | Words of Faith | Cultivating Faith | God's Extreme Faithfulness | Faithfulness in Temptation | Testimonies on Faithfulness

Testimonies of Faith

  1. How has God personally shown His faithfulness to you ?
  2. How does one grow in faith?
  3. What are some practical steps you have taken to be have more faith?

--- Purchase The Godly Man and its ten studies in easy epub or pdf format!

How has God personally shown His faithfulness to you?

At the Last Moment

The first significant proof of God's faithfulness in my life came when trying to discern whether to go overseas for this special short term training program in Singapore and Malaysia. I was excited about the trip, but realized I did not have the money. Our family didn't have any money to spare. As the deadline drew near, I waited upon the Lord. The mission agency finally called up and suggested I cancel my application because the money was not in. I asked when was their very last day. I got a few more days to wait upon God. On the very last day someone asked me how my plans were going for the trip. I then responded by explaining my situation. That person instantly went out and got the money still lacking for the trip.

The Miracle Mobile

After we were married, we were really poor college students. We traveled about in our 'Miracle Mobile.' We just had our first baby and trying to visit my father. We traveled the whole distance on one tank of gas. This was impossible from our judgment. We were touched by how God helped in this small but significant way.

How does one grow in faith?

Increasing by Faith - Bruce Wilkinson

All the godly servants we consider to be people of great faith - George Muller, Reese Howells and others - began with this lesser work. Before they set out to do any exploits for the kingdom, they allowed God to deal with their roots. They exercised a small amount of faith, asking the Holy Ghost to expose every evil thing in them. And the Spirit faithfully uprooted their sin, stripping them of everything that was of flesh.

In the process, these men learned they were helpless, unable to do even the simplest uprooting work in their own strength. Yet, as they obeyed Jesus' command to pluck out their roots by faith in the work of the holy Spirit, revelations came, and their understanding of faith increased.

Extending our Faith by God's Word

God's Word is our faith mobilizer. Again and again in my life I have seen where God used His word to speak to me. His Word is used to open my spiritual eyes to see what He wanted. At one point I couldn't see the need and then with God's special touch, I could trust Him for a financial need, comfort and courage.

    What are some practical steps you have taken to grow in faith?

    Practical Steps in Growing in Faith

    It always helps to realize when God is giving me a 'faith opportunity.' This happens whenever I begin to go through difficult times. The battle is twofold: realize it and embrace it. When I go low on my resources - financially, emotionally, time wise, physical stamina, etc., then I need to

    1) Ascertain God's will (to see if he really wants me to do this), and2) Trust Him. Each difficulty is an opportunities for my faith to grow.

    If I cannot see the difficulty in this way, then I more than often will miss the opportunity to grow in faith and default to despair or avoidance tactics. I set more time aside to pray and meditate. As my Christian walk has progressed, the Lord has been nudging me to spend more and more time with Him alone. Often this coincides with increasing responsibilities at home, ministry or elsewhere. I have always tried not to become legalistic. For me, it works like this. I sense God wanting me to fast weekly or get up at a certain time to pray. I don't want to break my word to the Lord. I know my weakness, but I also want to show Him my earnestness. I tell Him my heart's desire but refrain from making a time commitment. This usually works okay. I view it better than stating an exact amount of time. I avoid both legalism problems and the breaking of a commitment to God. However, I need to keep highly disciplined. Here is an example of a prayer.

    Dear Lord, You know how you have been prodding my heart lately. You want me to get up earlier. I want to. I love you. But you know my problems about getting up and going to bed. Will you please help me faithfully get up earlier. There will be times when because of sickness or other reasons, I probably won't be able to get up earlier, but it will be my regular pattern. I want to seek You because of your love. In Christ's Name, Amen.


Developing love in Your Marriage

Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted: (C) Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1988

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