• Memory Verses 1 John 3:1
See how great a love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called children of God; and such we are. (NASB)
• Prayer Journal
Take time to write down your worries, concerns and needs in your spiritual journal. Write down the date and time. Specifically ask God to meet those needs. When He answers, write down the way He answered those prayers along with the date and time.
• Make peace with your earthly father
We are to honor our father and mother. If you have unconfessed sin towards your father, first pray and ask your parents for forgiveness. Make sure you ask for an apology, “Will you please forgive me?”
• Interview
Ask a mature believer to share about one or two incidents in their lives where God specially cared for him as his Father. Note what the struggle was and how God supplied His provision, wisdom, or encouragement to him.
• Loving Others
Find another believer and demonstrate God’s love by encouraging or doing something special for that person.
A strategic basic discipleship series designed to help Christians grow not only in their relationship with God but also with other people. Each section uses a familiar relationship to bring out basic but very practical Biblical teaching.
We highly recommend getting the BFF Discipleship #1 Digital Library which not only includes the Relationship Discipleship book, but slides, summaries, user guide, teacher's reference, etc. This D#1 Library also contains all our other Christian training resources for new believers.
Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted:
(C) Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1988