Psalm 63:3-5
The Bible Teaching Commentary
4) Affectionate prayers respond to God’s love with adoration
Paul J. Bucknell
Psalm 63:3-5 Prayer begins by speaking and acknowledging our need for God. Prayer continues on by describing our dependence upon God. Jesus said, “Give us this day our daily bread.”
We realize we have nothing unless He the Creator of the world provides it to us. But thirdly, we find that true prayer always is rooted in special relationships with God. Conversion is only one such occasion. But there are or should be many others. If this is our perception of life, then our prayers will naturally turn into praise. One cannot hold back the adoration of the glorious King of king and Lord of Lords. Let’s look at what astonished David.
Introduction Psalm 63:1-11
1) Sincere prayers (Psalm 63:1a).
2) Powerful prayers (Psalm 63:1b).
3) Great prayers (Psalm 63:2).
4) Affectionate prayers (Psalm 63:3-5).
5) Uplifting prayers (Psalm 63:6-8).
6) Faith prayers (Psalm 63:9-11).
Study Questions on Psalm 63
Because Thy lovingkindness is better than life, My lips will praise Thee. So I will bless Thee as long as I live; I will lift up my hands in Thy name. My soul is satisfied as with marrow and fatness, And my mouth offers praises with joyful lips (Psalm 63:3-5).
It is God’s lovingkindness or covenant love that awes David. Lovingkindness speaks of that commitment on God’s part to love David or us His people. Once loved, forever loved. He treasures this mercy more than life itself. His lips begin to start forming words of praise. He begins to lift up His voice in praise to the eternal and wondrous God. And soon he is caught up in a song of glory.
Man was made to praise God. You might like the praise songs we sing. The words might means something to you. But that is not what praise through prayer is like.
True worship singing is a man touched by the truths of God that sings a song of praise to God. Praise really is or at least should be a prayer. This is why we cannot use cross-over songs that do not mention God’s Name or person. There should be no doubt who we are singing to. There should not be the slightest doubt that we could sing this to anyone but the great Lord.
Praise is prayer, a special kind of prayer where the child of God adores the Living God. This is why we must be careful how we sing. When we say we have ‘warm-up’ songs, what do we really mean? Shouldn’t we come prepared to worship rather than coming unprepared before God’s presence? We lift up our poor words to tell Him how much He means to us.
I do not mean that we do not sin. But the fact is that we humble ourselves because of our sin at the cross. We ask for forgiveness. And we find that lovingkindness of God pour over our otherwise dead souls and bring His refreshing grace. We then sing forth His lovingkindness and are overwhelmed by His grace.
David never wanted to stop singing. I don’t believe he has. Let’s ask ourselves, “Are we actually talking to God when we praise Him in song?” Unfortunately it is very hard to enter worship properly unless ones heart is rightly prepared. You will mouth the words, but it will not be your prayer. It will be someone else’s prayer.
I hope you can see this is the reason we need godly people leading worship. It has nothing to do with his or her voice or ability to play an instrument. If one does not pray from the heart, then God will despise the so-called worship?
Continue on : 5) Uplifting prayers reflect on God’s past marvelous works (Psalm 63:6-8). Study Questions
1) Sincere prayers often derive from desperate circumstances (Psalm 63:1a).
2) Powerful prayers openly reveal their dependence upon God (Psalm 63:1b).
3) Great prayers always result from an encounter with God (Psalm 63:2).
4) Affectionate prayers respond to God’s love with adoration (Psalm 63:3-5).
5) Uplifting prayers reflect on God’s past marvelous works (Psalm 63:6-8).
6) Faith prayers enable one to face difficult situations with courage (Psalm 63:9-11).
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