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God's peace can help us live above anxieties as we learn to trust in Him!

The Lord Your Healer: 

Discover Him and Find His Healing Touch by Paul J. Bucknell

Newest! The Lord Your Healer

Discover Him and Find His Healing Touch

First step of discipleship
revive devotions
Advanced Discipleship

The Bible Teaching Commentary on Genesis: The Book of Foundations

Commentaries that specialize on training the teacher!

Overcoming Anxiety: Finding Peace, Discovering God


Understanding the Dark World

Understanding the Dark World of Spiritual Things, an Introduction

Paul J. Bucknell

Understanding the Dark World

People think they understand so much of the world. They in fact understand so little of it. Get our newest book: Satan's Four Stations!Astronomers now state that all the visible universe (luminous matter) makes up less than one percent (.4%) of the universe.

The remaining dark matter and energy puzzles astronomers. We are not stating or even hinting at the infiltration of evil forces into the universe. Evil has been contained largely to this earth it seems. One day God will reveal the full glory of creation. Most of it is hidden behind God's grand dark curtains.

I am using this as an illustration of how little we discern what is really present. Look around your room or out across the sky. What do you see? Do you ever think that there is more than that which meets the eye?

Luminous (.4%) and non-Luminous matter (99.6%)

Many materialists and secularists actually boast that only the material world exist. Spiritualists deny that the material world exists. God has stated differently. As for us, we want to understand and believe what God says about all these things. Even if we can not see the spiritual world, we should not state its nonexistence. We have not been there. This ancient oracle brings us back into perspective.

The Oracle of Agur

Surely I am more stupid than any man,
And I do not have the understanding of a man.
Neither have I learned wisdom,
Nor do I have the knowledge of the Holy One.

Who has ascended into heaven and descended?
Who has gathered the wind in His fists?
Who has wrapped the waters in His garment?
Who has established all the ends of the earth?
What is His name or His son's name?
Surely you know! (Proverbs 30:1-4)

Our understanding is greatly dependent upon what we see. Some things we cannot see with our eyes but need computers and sensors to help us 'see' and interpret the data. Agur says in Proverbs 30 that he is ignorant and needs help from God. In other words, we can only gain real wisdom and understanding as we get to know God Himself.

The Dark World of Spiritual Things

Demon Possession: Is it Biblical?

Understanding How Demons Work

The Devil and His Powers

Sorcery: Satan or Flesh? Gal. 5:19

Other Articles of Interest

Satan's use of bad counsel (Job)

God's purpose for Satan

Satan's Plan to get God's people

Keeping God's Word from God's people

Twisting Truth

Satan's big secret (Ephesians 2:2)

Methods of Discouraging God's Workers

This world has spiritual forces, both good and evil. We know this through God's 'eyes.' God has made the world this way. If we use His Word to understand the spiritual world, then we will have real wisdom. The opposite is true too. Ignore God's statements, and we will be in darkness.

These pages introduce God's perspectives on the dark spiritual world. Please realize that there is a 'light' spiritual world too which is much greater and grand than the dark side of the spiritual world. The dark spiritual world is composed of falsehood and therefore gains strength by covering up the light. One day it will be all exposed.

God tolerates it now for His great redemptive purposes. There is no real contest. Christ Jesus has clearly established His throne, glory and wisdom. The defeated foes whimper away in the display of God's majestic light.

We have gained a special intimacy with God through His Son. We do know and believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Through Him we gain extraordinary wisdom, strength and help.

Now this expression, "He ascended," what does it mean except that He also had descended into the lower parts of the earth? He who descended is Himself also He who ascended far above all the heavens, that He might fill all things. (Ephesians 4:9-10)

We dare not trust our feelings and subjective experiences for our knowledge of the spiritual world. We must use God's Word as a framework to understand and interpret our experiences. We must abide by His Word and refrain from participation in any form of witchcraft, exploration of dark or hidden forces. Where we have erred, we must repent and return to the Light of the World.

Illumination on the dark spiritual world must commonly refer to the light for comparison and explanation. Darkness on its own is just that: dark. We prefer only to discuss the light but realize that having a good understanding of the dark world is a necessity. Temptation is just too real for all of us.

Our resources include a series for a general understanding for those involved to some degree in the world of magic, occult and witchcraft. We also have a number of pages on key issues and questions that Christians have on demons, Satan and other related issues.

The Bible discusses Satan from the beginning of the Bible (Genesis 3) to the end (Revelation 20). The presence of evil follows this path of the serpent. We need to be wise to his ways lest we ourselves be deceived. 

=> Questions and Answers on the Dark World

Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted: (C) Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1988

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