God's viewpoint
God made only two kinds of sexual beings, male and female. He knows there are only two kinds of sexual beings.
"And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." Genesis 1:27
We are either male or female.
Our sexuality goes beyond our sexual organs. Our sexual identity has a lot to do with our roles and purposes in life. We will focus on this hotly debated topic at another point, but for now we should realize that we are either male or female by God's choosing. Even our parents did not choose our sex. God chose our sexual identify for us along with all the ramifications it has for our lives. Our parents might have rebelled against God's choice and early on got rid of us if we were not of a certain sex, but this is so different than God's ways.
God in His wisdom and love chose each of our sex to be either male and female. Again observe how Jesus affirmed what the Old Testament had long ago affirmed.
"And He (Jesus) answered and said, Have you not read, that He who created them from the beginning MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE..." (Matthew 19:4)
Our sexual identities are precious parts of our person and to be highly esteemed. Others might look down on us because we are male or female, but not God. God wrapped up our being with our sexual identify here on earth.
When we fuss about our sexual identity or someone else's, we are stepping onto holy ground. In such a case we are rebelling against God Himself and denying His wisdom and kindness. |