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D2 Video/Audio Discipleship Training Seminar

Translated from English into Luganda (Uganda)
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell

Reaching Beyond Mediocrity - Becoming an Overcomer
Omutendera Mu buyigirizwa 2 Okukunukiriza Ebisinga Ebimala

Video/audio Training: #1 Hope | #2 Choice | #3 Strength | #4 Fight
Overcome...: #5 Anxiety | #6 Pride | #7 Lusts | #8 Anger
Overcome...:#9 Depression | #10 Overcomer

D2 Index | Luganda Main Training Index

Purpose of Discipleship 2: Reaching Beyond Mediocrity series shows the importance of hope and how to gain a strong confidence in God's Word so we can move on in their spiritual maturity towards the image of Christ. The first three lessons develop the foundation while the other lessons build upon that foundation as they treat special topics. Videos, audios and handouts are available with each lesson.

Okukunukiriiza Ebisinga Ebimala amasomo galaga omugaso gw’esuubi era n’engeri y’okufunamu obugumu obw’amaanyi mu kigambo kya Katonda tusobole okugenda mu maaso mu kukula kwaffe okw’Omwoyo nga tufuuka ekifananyi kya Kristo. Amasomo agasooka ana gakuza omusingi ogw’olutalo olw’Omwoyo nga ate amasomo amalala gazibwa kumusingi ogwo nga gogera ku nsonga endala.

Session Essomo #1

Establishing Hope - Okunyweza Esuubi

Establishing Hope, the first of ten videos in the Discipleship 2: Reaching Beyond Mediocrity series, shows the importance of hope and how to gain a strong confidence in God's Word so we can move onto the third level of discipleship. Bilingual: English into Luganda.

Yiga okukolagana n’obutaba na suubi kati!

Okunyweza esuubi, essomo elisooka mu buyigirizwa 2: Okukunukiriza Ebisinga Ebimala amasomo, galaga omugaso gw’esuubi era engeri y’okufunamu obugumu obw’amaanyi mu kigambo kya Katonda olwo fena tusobole okugenda mu maaso mu kukula kwafe mu mwoyo nga tutunulide edala ely’okusatu ery’obuyigirizwa.

#1 Video | Audio mp3

Session Essomo #2

Discovering Choices - Okuzuula Okusalawo

Life is made of three kinds of choices that greatly affect our lives. Let's learn how to trust God and how this plays an important part in being an overcomer. Session #2 from Reaching Beyond Mediocrity - Being an Overcomer, translated from English into Luganda.

path of discipleship 1 2 3Lwaki to twaala yo dala mu maaso mu kukula kwo mu mwoyo?

Lwaki abakiriiza bamaliriza mu bulamu obumala obumazi era obuzibe bw’amaaso okusing okubeera mu bulamu obujjude Kristo? Okuzuula okusalawo kulaga okusalawo kwafe nga ku kwatagana ne suubi lyafe n’obugumu bwafe.
Lino ssomo lya musingi eritukulembera eri enkyukakyuka ey’amaanyi mu bulamu bwaffe.

#2 Video | Audio mp3

Session Essomo #3

Gain Strength - Okufuna Amaanyi

God speaks to His people through His Word and uses the truth to set them free to overcome personal struggles including self-reliance and insecurity. Gideon is one man who was raised from his fears by God's powerful word. Gaining Strength is the third audio/video lesson in the Discipleship Level 2: Reaching Beyond Mediocrity translated from English into Luganda.

Okuzuula n’okumanyiira amaanyi g’ekigambo kya Katonda!

Katonda ayogera eri abantu be okuyita mu kigambo kye era akozesa mazima okubafuula abedembe. Amazima ganyweeza okukiriiza kwo era mungeri eya dala era ne kulwanyisa okubusabusa okuletabwa omubi. Yiga engeri Katonda gyayogera nawe.

#3 Video | Audio mp3

Session Essomo #4

Fighting to Win - Okulwana Okuwangula

Lesson #4 "Fighting to Win" helps us understand spiritual warfare and put it into practice by highlighting the process through which it occurs. Learn how to overcome through a close examination of two deadly sins: self-reliance and insecurity. Learn to be victorious! Fighting to Win is the fourth audio/video lesson in the Discipleship Level 2: Reaching Beyond Mediocrity translated from English into Luganda.

spiritual warfareOkutegeera olutalo olw’omwoyo era engeri ey’okuwangula okuyita mu mazima.

Okutegeera olutalo olw’omwoyo era n’okuteeka mu nkola nga olaga emitendera mwegiyita okubaawo. Yiga engeri y’okuwangula okuyita mu kugezesebwa okuli okumpi okw’ebibi ebibiri eby’akabi: okwesigama ku gwe kenyini n’obutali butebenkevu. Yiga okuba omuwanguzi!

#4 Video | Audio mp3

Session Essomo #5

Possess God's Peace, Overcoming Anxiety- Okuwangula okwelalikirira: Okufuna Emirembe Gya Katonda

Anxiety can overwhelm! Discover how to overcome anxiety by finding God's peace. Listen and see how step by step to find God's peace! Possessing God's Precious Peace: Overcoming Anxiety is the fifth audio/video in the Discipleship Level 2: Reaching Beyond Mediocrity.Bilingual: English into Luganda.

Tekaawo emirembe gya Katonda egitalina kamogo mu kifo ky’okweralikirira. Yiga ngeri ki wano!

Okweralikirira kusobola okwewunyisa! Zuula engeri ey’okuwangula okweralikirira nga ozuula emirembe gya Katonda. Wuliriza era olabe engeri dala ku dala gy’oyinza okuzuula emirembe gya Katonda! Funa emirembe gya Katonda egy’omuwendo: Okuwangula Okweralikirira ly’essomo ery’okutaano mu buyigirizwa ku dala 2: Okukunukiriza Ebisinga ebimala.

#5 Video | Audio mp3

Luganda Christian Digital Library DVDPurchase the BFF Luganda Christian Digital Library!

Available at our BFF store! Three seminars! Great for a gift! (International resources are at the bottom.)
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This Digital library includes all 3 bilingual training seminars and more! Videos, audios mp3s, handouts and corresponding English articles.Heavily discounted! Free to adapt for your own reading.
Those overseas in countries like Uganda qualify for BFF's Seed Project. Click here! Of course, everyone is free to access our many resources online here.

Session Essomo #6

Clinging to Humility, Overcoming Pride- Okuwangula Amalala: Okwenywereza ku Bukakamu

Pride is the greatest enemy of man. We commit all sorts of sins, but pride keeps us from repentance. Man’s arrogance forms a wall that keeps him from finding reconciliation. Only by understanding pride and taking steps to seek humility can we find restored lives. Clinging to Humility, Overcoming Pride is the sixth audio/video in the Discipleship Level 2: Reaching Beyond Mediocrity. Bilingual: English into Luganda.

me and prideKatonda ayogera. Waliwo awuliriza? Katonda atekaawo ekubo okumanyiira obulamu obujudde omwoyo.

Amalala ye mulabe w’omuntu asinga amaanyi. Tukola ebibi byonna, naye amalala gatugaana okwenenya. Obutawurila bw’omuntu bukola ekisenge ekimuziyiza okuva mu kuzuula okutabagana. Okujako nga tutegedde amalala era ne tutwaala amadala okunonya obukakamu y’engeri yokka gyetuzuula obulamu obuzidwawo.

#6 Video | Audio mp3

Session Essomo #7

Embracing God’s Love, Overcoming Lust - Okuwangula Okwaka: Okuwambatira Okwagala kwa Katonda

Overcome Lusts: Embrace God's Love helps one discover how to exchange inferior sexual lusts for the power of God's love! Lusts have become so commonly entertained that they are now considered normal in many places. The Lord shows us how we must overcome such lusts in order to see the power of God's love expressed through our lives. Lusts, after all, is just another form of selfism-antichrist. Embracing God's Love: Overcoming Lusts is the seventh audio/video session in the Discipleship Level 2: Reaching Beyond Mediocrity. Bilingual: English into Luganda.

Zuula engeri ey’okuwanyisiganya okwewulira n’okulumirizibwa kw’okwaka olw’amaanyi g’okwagala kwa Katonda!

Okwaka kufuuse kwa bulijjo nga kulowozebwa nga kwa buntu. Nedda! Mukama atulaga engeri gyetuteekwa okuwangula okwaka okwo mu ngeri tusobole okulaba amaanyi g’okwagala kwa Katonda nga kulabisibwa okuyita mu bulamu bwaffe. Okwaka, byonna nga biwedde, nayo ngeri ndala yakwefaako weka-omuwakanya wa Kristo. Okuwanbatira okwagala kwa Katonda: okuwangula okwaka lw’essomo ely’omusanvu mu buyigirizwa edala 2: Okukunukiriza Ebisinga Ebimala.

#7 Notes (no audio/video)

Session Essomo #8

Possessing God’s Patience, Overcoming Anger - Okuwangula Obusungu: Okufuna Obuguminkiriiza bwa Katonda

Possessing God’s Patience: Overcoming Anger #8 not only shows how to overcome anger but on how to gain the patience to rightly handle difficult people and situations. This is the eighth audio/video in the Discipleship Level 2: Reaching Beyond Mediocrity. Bilingual: English into Luganda.

Faayo engeri Katonda gy’asumululamu okwefuga eri Mukama asobozesa omu okuyimirira okusinga obusungu we buyinza okusanga n’obukyaayi bwabwo.

Essomo lino likebera empulira ay’omubirowoozo ne mu mwoyo ey’obusungu. Omuntu ow’obusungu talina kufuga ku nsi ye era mu kutabulwa agezaako okufuna okufuga okuyita mu bukambwe, okutisatisa, n’emungeri etakirizika. Ebivaamu kwe kutabulwa okusingaawo, okufiirwa okwefuuga, n’obusunga obungi.

#8 Video | Audio mp3

Session Essomo #9

Adopting God’s Hope, Overcoming Depression - Okuwangula Okutabulwa: Okufuna Esuubi lya Katonda

Looking for help to relieve depression or find a cure to help the depressed? ‘Adopting God’s Hope, Overcoming Depression’ carefully examines the root sources of depression. If a person avoids dealing with the sources of depression, his or her depression will continue to disturb one’s life. Learn how to overcome depression, and God will use you to bring His hope into your soul and others! Adopting God’s Hope, Overcoming Depression #9:Reaching Beyond Mediocrity.

Tekawo esuubi lya Katonda n’esanyu mu kifo ky’okumalibwaamu amaanyi!

Okunonya okukakana okuva mu kutabulwa? ‘ Okuwangula Okutabulwa: Okufuna Esuubi lya Katonda’ mu bwegendereeza gezeesa ekikolo ensibuko ey’okutabulwa okuva mu ndaba ya Baibuli.

Singa omuntu agaana okw’angaanga n’ensibuko ey’okutabulwa, okutabulwa kwe kuja kweyongera okutabula obulamu bw’omuntu omu. Yiga okuwangula okutabulwa, era Katonda aja ku kukozesa okuleeta esuubi lye mu meeme yo n’abalala! ‘Okufuna Esuubi lya Katonda, Okuwangula Okutabulwa’ ly’essomo ely’omwenda mu massomo ku “ kukunukiriza Ebisinga Ebimala.”

#9 Video | Audio mp3

Session Essomo #10

Be an Overcomer - Okubeera Omuwanguzi

Be an Overcomer: Learning transferable growth provides an overview and explanation of transferable overcoming principles so that one can use the Discipleship 2 series to obtain victory in every difficult area of one’s life. This is the last session of Reaching Beyond Mediocrity. Translated into Luganda.

Failure is not allowedYiga Enono Eziwanyisika Ez’okukula

Ebitundu by’ekizibu kyo ky’akubaganyizibwaako ebirowoozo? Essomo lino liwa okulaba mu bulamba n’okunyonyola okw’enono eziwanyisika ez’okuwangula olwo omuntu omu asobole okuzeyambiisa Obuyigirizwa 2 amasomo okufuna obuwanguzi mu buli kitundu ekizibu eky’obulamu obw’omu.

#10 Video | Audio mp3

Bilingual: English-Luganda materials->