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Okukulukuta - The Flow in Luganda

Initiating Growth in the Church

D1 Audio Discipleship Training Seminar #2

Caring for the New Believer from 1 John 2:12-14
Emboozi Erungamizidwa eri Omuwi wʼamagezi Olwʼokukulukuta

Bilingual: English and Luganda

Rev. Paul J. Bucknell

Spiritual Life Seminar Index - Overview | Basic | Intermediate & Advanced
Christian Growth (Ephesians 4:21-24) | Answers for Life (Job 1)
Forgiveness (Genesis 50)
Luganda Indexes - D1 | D2 | Marriageline

Session #2

The Flow: Caring for the New Believer
1 John 2:12-14

The Flow: Level #1 (1 John 2:12-14) audio mp3 shows how new believers grow - translated from English into Luganda - shows the basic needs of new believers and how to properly care for them.

This audio on The Flow: Level #1 shows how Christians begin to grow and are nurtured in their early spiritual life. The new believer is likened to a new baby and his needs.

Amasomo gano agatendeka gayamba omuntu okwʼanjura okukulukuta eri omuntu omulala. Mu ngeri eyʼebigambo oba ey,okusomesa. Tumanyide nyo okutendekebwa mu byʼenjiri naye batini abatendekedwa mu buyigirizwa bwʼokuwa amagezi agʼokutendekebwa.

Ekirubirirwa kyaffe wano si kwekutekaw embeera yʼokukuza eye banga eddene naye okulungamya omuwi wʼamagezi okuyamba omuntu okuzuula wa waali mu bulamu bwe bwʼekikulisitayo. Tutunulide okuyamba buli mu kulisitayo okukula obulungi mu bulamu bwabwe obwʼekikulisitayo.

Please click begin listening to the mp3 or download by link. Study questions and other links located below are your convenience.

The Flow Overview: Download: Audio | Video | Powerpoint | Handouts: English -Luganda - pdf | doc

The Flow: Understanding Christian Growth

Discussion Questions on The Flow

  1. What are the three stages of Christian growth that John describes? How do these form an analogy for the physical development of a person?

  2. List the items that the elderly apostle says to this first level of believers? Look in 1 John 2:12-14. Be specific.

  3. What characterizes this first stage of the Christian's growth?

  4. What are the problems or challenges that those in this spiritual stage will face?

  5. Summarize what is suppose to happen in this stage of spiritual growth.

  6. What might happen if Christians in this spiritual stage do not get the needed support? Be specific.

  7. Are you in this first stage? Were you discipled.

  8. Have you discipled others.

Next -> Listen to Session #3 of the Luganda Christian leadership seminar on Discipleship. Flow Level # 2 & 3

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Available at our BFF store! Three seminars! Great for a gift! (International resources are at the bottom.)
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This Digital library includes all 3 bilingual training seminars and more! Videos, audios mp3s, handouts and corresponding English articles.Heavily discounted! Free to adapt for your own reading.
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