Video Training: #1 Hope | #2 Choice | #3 Strength | #4 Fight
Overcome...: #5 Anxiety | #6 Pride | #7 Lusts | #8 Anger
Overcome...:#9 Depression | #10 Overcomer
D2 Index | Bengali Main Training Index | D1 Index | Cross Trainers | Family Index
Purpose: Looking for help to relieve depression or find a cure to help the depressed? ‘Adopting God’s Hope, Overcoming Depression’ carefully examines the root sources of depression.
If a person avoids dealing with the sources of depression, his or her depression will continue to disturb one’s life. Learn how to overcome depression, and God will use you to bring His hope into your soul and others! Adopting God’s Hope, Overcoming Depression #9:Reaching Beyond Mediocrity.
Notes for Overcoming Depression
Depression is a downward cycle founded on thoughts of dejection, reinforcing itself at each stage with the purpose of destruction.
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Directory of Discipleship ArticlesIntroduction to Discipleship's 3 Stages and The Flow |
Basic Discipleship Stage
Intermediate Discipleship Stage
Advanced Discipleship Stage
The Imperative of Discipleship (2 Timothy 2:2) |
The Heart of True Discipleship (Isaiah 50:4-7) |
The Flow
Spirit-Dependent Teaching
Designing discipleship curriculum
Integrates Church Growth with discipleship
Growing the Church through Biblical Training
Discipleship Shapers
Understanding the Cycle of Decline and Revival (Judges 2) |