Welcome/Praise (L)
Each morning we will begin with a praise time exalting our Lord’s glorious rule, confessing our sin, acknowledging His grace in Christ Jesus. Mentors and gifted trainees can lead.
Theme (L)
Each course will have one theme focused around a small passage of scripture. That hub of learning will serve as a center from which others studies are coordinated and integrated. Each day one of the mentors will reflect on the passage with the class, develop its principles, apply it to life and ministry situations, explain its importance in the area of training and describe how the assignments are integrated with the theme.
Bible Book (L)
Each course will help students get a good handle on one book of the Bible. There will not only be emphasis on familiarizing ourselves with the book’s content and special features, but also with how the Lord regularly uses this book in His people’s lives to help them in life and ministry. Special attention is given to the process in which God speaks to His servants.
ADT Introduction (L)
The director will share the vision of ADT and introduce the courses in general and this particular course’s part in their training. Special instruction will be given on how to maximize the time here together before the Lord’s presence.
Theme (I)
Assignments associated with developing different aspects of training will be given each day or two. Time will be given to do these studies. It is hoped that the assignment will be done in that one slot of time.
Bible Book (I)
The Bible book is to be read several times during the course. Reading can be done at different speeds depending upon the purpose of the reading. Specific things to pay attention to will be given during the assignment.
Testimonies/Missions (L)
During this session we will get better acquainted with and pray for present and past students. We are planning to keep track of our students so that we can encourage them, pray for them and keep them accountable.
Theme (S)
We will regularly meet together in small groups to share our insights on the theme assignment with other members of that group and to pray those insights into our lives. This will help broaden the learning process and deepen its applicability to different life and ministry situations.
Bible Book (S)
Small groups primarily gives you an opportunity to pray with others as to how the Lord has been guiding, encouraging, warning, directing, and helping you through your reflections on the Bible book.
T&B: Integration (L)
We have learned so much. We go over what we have learned and integrate it all around the one theme. We review its part in our lives and ministries and share reflections together.
Theme (S)
We will regularly meet together in small groups to share our insights on the theme assignment with other members of that group and to pray those insights into our lives. This will help broaden the learning process and deepen its applicability to different life and ministry situations.
Bible Book (S)
Small groups primarily gives you an opportunity to pray with others as to how the Lord has been guiding, encouraging, warning, directing, and helping you through your reflections on the Bible book.
Closing Dedication (L)
As we close, we give thanks to our Lord for strengthening our faith together that we might serve Him and others more faithfully. Special prayers to assimilate God’s precious truths learned through the week and dedicate the students for a deeper walk with the Lord and service to others.