Coordination of theme with assignments.
Day #1
Job 1:1-5
Day #2
Job 1:6-2:13
Day #3
Job 3-37
Day #4
Job 38-42:9
Day #5
Job 42:10-17
Lifes Goals
The heart, attitude and behavior of the godly man.
Serious Troubles
The interaction between God, man, events and Satan.
for Right Perspectives
Four rounds of attacks against Job by his friends.
a Holy God
God breaks into Jobs life and sharpens his viewpoint.
Lifes Reward
The Lord assures great rewards to the faithful.
Developing Lifes Goals
The goals that we reach for are often not the best ones God has in mind for us.
Testings and Temptations
Each of us will be tested so that we might move ahead in the right direction.
Right Counseling Approach
Biblical perspectives keep us from false conclusions built on wrong perspectives.
God clarifies truths in order to bring conviction and holy living.
The Reward
of Endurance
The path might be long but the reward is great. The righteous shall be blessed!
Read book.
Make major outline for the book. What is the book's major purposes?
Read passage.
How does it fit into the scheme of the book? Develop section titles and purposes.
Read passage.
How does it fit into the scheme of the book? Develop section titles and purposes.
Read passage.
How does it fit into the scheme of the book? Develop section titles and purposes.
Read book.
Read the book. How does Job fit into the scheme of the Bible? How is Job a type of Christ?