Paul J. Bucknell
“If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit” (Gal 5:25).
Galatians 5:25 derives its power by associating two verbs to how we are to be affected by the Holy Spirit adjacent to each other: live by and walk by.
“Live by the Spirit” indicates that the Spirit of God is intricately involved in our lives and that many aspects of our lives are enhanced by the Spirit of God. Just think of a few words that might appropriately describe the Spirit’s work: Enlivened, empowered, and illuminated are just a few. By focusing on the word ‘live’ we can think of both lively, life enriching, potentially exciting actions.
“Walk”, on the other hand, infers learning takes place each step of our daily walk. It is a step by step procedure: Guided, strengthened, and directed. The Spirit is right there with each step sure to make sure you properly and timely place your foot down.
In both cases “by the Spirit” reminds us that we are not experts but humbly learning from the Spirit.How disastrous when churches and couples fight. The love of God quickly dissipates, replaced by an ugly mood.
“If we…, let us…” suggests that though the Christian is offered success, there are ways to not “walk by the Spirit” resulting in loosing many benefits.
Summary: Be attentive to how the Spirit teaches you to rightly respond to Him, people, yourself and situations.
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