Chapter 35
The other path is salvation.
This path portrays the most beautiful places in the world and brings their presence to barren lands. Salvation is like the great changes water can make in a desert land. Death becomes life. Barrenness becomes fertility. Despair becomes hope.
Whereas judgment looms over the wicked, the righteous have a different kind of life and hope. They see a different world. One might say they live in a different world. The ones under judgment see an oppressive world, but the godly picture another world though they live in the same world for the moment as the wicked. The judged only see condemnation. The righteous know all wickedness must be destroyed altogether, but they know it is only a temporary stage as far as they are concerned.
The knowledge of what they need to do is more deeply instilled in them now that the darkness surrounds them; the new day will soon dawn when all the barrenness of the darkness will become the beauty of the new age.