Pray BFF Letter #142

December 13, 2008

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Dear Prayer Team,

Not impossible!

How do we do it? People often ask us this question when they discover that our large family lives with no guaranteed salary. Our answer is clear - God's faithfulness. It still amazes us how God does it.

We rarely need to go to the doctors. We are content with the simple. Do we get full support?

No, we do not. We are hoping to reach 50% this year, but still God is able to accomplish great things with low budgets.

The BFF end-of-year financial summary will be out soon, but let me give you a preview. Giving for missions and social needs (around $30,000) reached above all the other BFF general expenses. We are thankful that we could expend more than 50% (as of now) of what came in this year for ministry training, training materials and physical care for Christian leaders in the third world.

The new year will bring a lot of unknowns, but for us it has been this way since the inception of BFF. We never know what will come in. We trust God to show His faithfulness to us so that His great Name might be praised and His people blessed around the world. Thank you so much for your prayers and support that have made all this possible.



In Christ's Majestic Love,

Rev. Paul J. Bucknell
Biblical Foundations for Freedom

Phone: (+01) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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