Pray BFF Letter #139

October 22, 2008

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Dear Prayer Team,

"I haven't heard from you lately!"

India2It has been a good while since I last wrote. On the one hand, I have been overjoyed at seeing my brothers share their firsthand experiences serving in India. My sight has already been clouded by former experiences. Many images, even in new places, are much like others and are quickly lost in the myriad of scenes. 

On the other hand, certain experiences cause me to reevaluate the importance of what God is doing. Here are a few of my impressions.

Brother Keng had a great idea to record the testimonies of two newer Bengali-speaking brothers. You will hear how God brought them out of their difficult lives. Both of them considered giving up on their lives. Our Savior loves to save. Listen to their testimony here (picture on right).

Miracles & Stuff

One other reason I have not written is that I have had computer problems on a grand scale. Upon returning to the States, I discovered that my main computer's hard drive had broken down. The warranty covered the repair, but the time and energy lost in bringing it in, using my laptop and putting all the information back on (still doing it) proved to be a test. While I was transferring some (not all) of my files, I noticed it moving nearly one and half million files! I am glad the Lord prodded me to back up most of my files before leaving for India.

Just as I mostly finished getting my main computer up to speed, the hard drive in the laptop died. I am just now realizing what a blessing this was. It happened AFTER I got my main computer going and had transferred the valuable Hindi and Bengali recordings from India to my main computer. I still love Mac computers but don't trust their hard drives!

Again, my patience was tried. I determined that I would praise the Lord. Later God brought a great blessing to me. Because of the numerous repairs to this 2 1/2 year old MacBook, Apple was kind enough to replace it with a new one for free. I am so glad to have one that is faster and has more memory (unfortunately still not big enough for all my 'stuff').

Thankfully, God's miracles are not limited to India. Whether it is telling my children how the mainline denominations have almost all completely left the Lord or how our government leaders are bankrupting our country, we need Him so desperately here. We are on the right track on seeking for revival. Fortunately, through the training materials God has given us, we do not need only to pray for revival but can be a tool in God's hands to stimulate revival.



In Christ's Majestic Love,

Rev. Paul J. Bucknell
Biblical Foundations for Freedom


Phone: (+01) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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