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Note! The Chinese library is now on the Cloud! No big downloads but download whatever book, video, handout when you want and where you want. Easy & convenient. Works great with computers and smartphones.
包括十本書 Includes our ten Chinese books and handouts, slides, videos, mp3.
Here are the main topics.
造就裝備流程 (Handouts, video, pptx)
生命的核心: 發掘傑出訓練的內核 (Book)
培養敬虔的後代 (Book, handouts, pptx, videos, audios)
靈命成長 (Handouts, video, pptx)
重新贏得青少年 (Handout, pptx, video)
十字架学习 (bilingual book: English and Chinese)
建立美滿婚姻: 尋覓信心、寬恕和友誼 (Book, Handouts, pptx)
禱告生活 (Handouts, video, pptx)
歷屬靈的更新 (Reading)
屬靈領導力的發展過程 (Handouts)
培訓新領袖 (Book)
邁向下一步 (Book)
聖經和視頻材料 (Various pptx)
在靈里合一:如何化解教會中的衝突 (Book)
We include eight new parenting videos! (Includes both video and audio (mp3).
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Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President & Founder
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