Here are some questions you can possibly respond to regarding the theme 'Truth not Deception':
How has God's truth kept you from from deceiving others or self?
How has God's truth encouraged you when you have fallen?
What are some practical steps you have taken to love God's Word more?
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- How has God's truth kept you from from deceiving others or self?
Finding God's Will
God's ways do not compromise His person. If we are seeking God's will, then we must be willing to scrutinize what we think is God's will to the test of truth. We might ask, "Is there any way that I am falling into any sort of compromise on this decision in life?" If there is, then we need to face this compromise.
We do this by either recognizing that we are just seeking our will our way and just stop entertaining that option, or we bring the particular weakness before God, recognize you do not have enough faith, and ask for a special supply of grace to do things right. If God does supply extra grace and help or maybe a special supply of money, then we can be pretty sure that it is God's will. But if no extra grace comes through, we must terminate any contemplation of that option for ones future.
How has God's truth encouraged you when you have fallen?
A Promise
How many times have I fallen? I hate to think of it. Just last week I God brought to my mind how I have intimidated others. Through meditating on the passage Mark 11:27-33 God just started melting my heart down before Him. He was not destroying my confidence in myself as a person but melting down all the pride and anger in my heart.
How did it happen? For 40+ years I lived this way without knowing it. God touched my heart because I was sincerely meditating on His truths. He promises to speak to His people when they meditate on His truths and obey them (see Joshua 1). One never knows what God will do to you, but the whole Abiding series is simple changes in my life when I started looking at Jesus' life more closely.
God showed me how I learned intimidation when I was young. I had no Dad around. My Mom was a bit strong with all of us kids. I just used the same intimidation when dealing with my own children. Distorted face, raised voice, etc. all are absolutely reprehensible. I thank God for revealing the truth about my life thorugh His truth in His Word.
What are some practical steps you have taken to love God's Word more?
Extra Meditation
A couple of years ago I realized that I was not meditating on God's truth like He wanted me to. Each day there is an invitation to each of His believers to meditate on His Word. He is waiting for us. This is partly supplied through devotions if it is allowed. I find many devotions are not designed to meditate. They are more for reading the Bible, some booklet and maybe even memorization, but not meditation.
For meditation, time is needed. Valuable space in ones life must be allotted. I have taken a bit of time each afternoon to do this. I am not always able to do this. Nor when I do, am I always successful. Too many things are sometimes going on. I need to be quiet, or at least mostly quiet. I need to be able to concentrate enough that I listen to Him.
I could not live without this time. God has given me an unlimited number of special insights and comforts of the soul through these times. One time He revealed some passages that I needed to take to this person who was about to be sent off to a long term psychiatric hospital. That means the hospital and doctors couldn't help her. Those passages with God's Spirit just broke her down and freed her within an hour's time. It was not me but God's Spirit. I spent time with Him. I wonder what I have missed out on because I have not had more of these times. May God help us all with what we can change: the future!