Happily Working Together

Child evangelism in the park

Child Evangelism in a nearby Park

4) Happily Working Together

Missionaries were from UK, US, Hong Kong and Malaysia. Two different missionary organizations were represented (OMF International and Conservative Baptists). Their cooperation was beautiful. Absolutely lost in the business of building God's kingdom was strife and competition. They also worked well with the nationals and vice-a-versa.

The Chinese partners excelled in their roles. Four of them just ‘happened' to start Bible College that year. Their work in visitation, youth work and children's work was unparalleled. Although they had many studies, they faithfully served week after week.

The Chinese and foreigner happily worked together. Some knew the national language (Mandarin) while others had studied Taiwanese. One good brother traveled down from the north each weekend and stayed in the area so he could contribute to the work. There was always plenty of work to do.

We needed to cook, clean up, prepare materials, shop, visit, pray and plan together.

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