Biblical Foundations for Freedom www.foundationsforfreedom.netBiblical Foundations for Freedom

Releasing God's truth to the world!

BFF Update October 18, 2005

The Making of a Godly Leader

Humbled. Comforted. Invigorating. Challenging.

A good study of Isaiah 53 brings us through each of these doorways. Many people look to Isaiah 53 as a study on prophecy or on the examination of the work of Christ on the cross. It is of course, but it is much more. Isaiah 53 provides for us an inside picture of the life of Christ as He persisted in doing God's will. And through His example, we are strengthened and comforted in our lives as we seek to make ourselves available to do God's will. Although this material is written largely for those in ministry, it is very applicable to an serious Christian.

Introduction and Overview of Isaiah 53

Isaiah 53:4-6 Shields like pedals protecting the center. Fourth Servant Song structure.Provides an overview of the fourth Servant Song (Isaiah 52:13-53:12) including its thematic emphasis, literary structure and textual reliability. It is here we are introduced to the three ways God shapes a godly leader.

1.) The Godly Leader Accepts God’s Design for His Life

The Pattern of Faithful Ministry - "U"Isaiah 52:13-15

We need an overall understanding of our lives and ministries if we are going to be able to get through difficult times . This overview seen from Christ's life enables us to avoid disastrous temptation as well as properly focus us in this very distracting world.

2.) The Godly Leader Endures through Hardships

Isaiah 53:1-9

#B. Difficulty of Christ’s Life    (Isaiah 53:1-3)
#C. Purpose of Christ’s Suffering (Isaiah 53:4-6)
#D. Attitude of Christ’s Suffering (Isaiah 53:7-9)

This second part of 'Making a Godly Leader' is comprised of three stanzas. Each highlights a special way that Christ endures difficulties so that He could perfectly make Himself available to the Father. Experienced social rejection? Oppression? Persecution? So has our Master. Let's learn from Him and join Him in making ourselves available to our Father.

3.) A Godly Leader Embraces God’s Greater Purposes of Hardship for Ones Life

Isaiah 53:10-12

Ever wonder what is the secret of those people facing the most difficult circumstances of life? Their love and joy leap over the average person around you. The hardest part about endurance is keeping up hope. But it is here that we see Christ's hope blossom despite such horrible circumstances surrounding His death. We need to learn the secret that enables us by faith to embrace the pathway that God has designed for each of our lives.

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