The World Turns
Yesterday, after checking email, I told my Dad that we got two orders: one for the Parenting Seminar and another for Libraries (one from Uganda). We had one request for free materials from someone in Hyderabad, India. He wanted the material in a more usable format for his ministry. Let me share part of his letter.
Also another person from India requested help in developing a discipleship school.
The Lord is continually pricking us with such requests. We have had several requests of this kind. We do have lots of material. But we don't have everything we would need for a training school: no buildings, personnel, finances or a thorough plan to really help them. We depend on God to help them. This is our burden. I wrote back and said I would pray. We surely need His intervention to be able to rightly tend to the great needs of His sheep whether it be through us or others. Advancing In PrayerThank you so much for joining us in prayer. We have seen a significant rise in readership since last month when we asked you to pray for 4,000 BFF web pages to be viewed each day. It is not at that point yet but is quickly moving toward that target. I am praying daily for the hearts of these readers to be touched and revived. I have even started to ask our Great God, to give us 5,000, 6,000 or even 7,000 page views per day. I realize, through letters like the ones above, that our challenge has been the same throughout history – to get God's Word to individuals in the power of the Spirit. That is exactly what Biblical Foundations for Freedom is all about. Releasing God's Life-changing Truth to a New GenerationOur African TourThis year, by faith, we are expanding our instructional seminars to Africa. It is a huge step for Paul. Not only has he not been there, but the financial needs can only be met by God's grace. He has agreed to go to Nigeria in June. Right now, he could expand that seminar with another trip to Malawi if he had the estimated additional $3,500 beyond the needs for Nigeria. Do pray for confirmation of God's will. Paul hopes to go to Malawi this year or next. We recognize that this ministry advances by prayer and is sustained by prayer. Thank you so much for joining our prayer team to advance God's work around the world.