Pray BFF #73                                   May 23, 2005

Dear Prayer Team,

Translation Talk

Being accessible on the web is important so that people can be strengthened, encouraged and challenged to live godly lives. But there are many who are a world away because they do not know much English. They will not search in English. Google, a huge search engine, is now seeking to infiltrate the Chinese market. The reason? Simple. China now has the highest web user rate after the United States.

It is interesting that just last week everything came together to get the Biblical Parenting Principles series converted into simplified Chinese characters, the script that is used in mainland China. Thanks to the help of a friend, God's special timing and a few days of careful formatting, we were able to finish the job. (Of course this put me behind on other things, but that is part of web managing).

BFF seems to be slowly moving into the translation of certain web pages and materials into different languages. Right now the Chinese web pages are merged with English, not very user-friendly. People from different countries have offered to help translate the material for pay. One person is helping translate a few articles into Chinese. We are thankful that the same person is now translating 'Reviving Our Personal Devotions.'

The Telugu language has 69 million speakers but very, very few Christian books. This is one reason that the pastors on the last trip to India deeply appreciated 'The Godly Man' series that was translated for them into Telugu. It only cost a little over US$1.00 a book! Pastor Stephen is translating the overcoming anxiety series entitled 'Finding Peace, Discovering God' this year. It will cost a bit more because it is longer. But with so little Christian material available in their language, the move is strategic. Paul expects to have more pastors ask him for a correspondence course. We certainly have the material to translate but need someone to oversee and finance the operation. One person recently said he was going to work on Spanish translations for leadership training. May God move the right people at the right time. The need is great.

India Preparations

Paul is making plans to visit India again, in September! Time goes so quickly. Please pray with him about who, if anyone, should accompany him. Paul plans to train pastors, evangelists and church planters like on the first trip. He plans to return to two previous cities and to go to one or two new places. Do pray for Pastor Stephen as he makes preparations, for help in getting the anxiety seminar translated, and for financial support for the trip to come in earlier than last year! Paul will never forget that experience and certainly hopes not to have a repeat of it, although it was a clear miracle of God.

God has put it on Paul's heart to pray each day that God might train and stir up His workers to finish the great need for evangelism (and missions) for all of India.

Thanks to God!

Requests to God

The parenting class attendees have been very appreciative of what they have been learning.

Praise God for the conversion of traditional Chinese characters into simplified script (for those in mainland China! It was a huge project.

The colds are all gone. Thanks so much for your prayers.

Paul is now using the Cross Training materials to teaching a Sunday School class. The first class, Father-Son, had a great impact on the students. One student said, "I know God wanted me here." There are a few non-Christians in the class.

Paul really appreciates Elizabeth's artistic touch to each of the new, soon-to-be-released Cross Training discipleship booklets.

In answer to prayer Paul has had some good insight into developing the leadership training materials to be used in India this year. The theme has been chosen.

Praise God for our first two worship services in our newly acquired church building.

Our new prayer target is 3000 page views each day. We are up to an average of 2400.

May God's Spirit mightily use the Cross Training materials as Paul teaches for the next ten weeks.

Pray for Paul's sermon on Sunday, 5/29.

Pastor Stephen continues to have special prayer and evangelistic journeys into largely unreached areas of his state. Pray for physical stamina and strength and spiritual breakthrough.

Pray for grace as Linda: teaches the 2’s & 3’s Sunday School class for a while longer, and also has quite a bit of editing to do.

Ask the Lord for increased financial support for BFF. Pray for special funds to pay translators.

Paul was able to write an article on 'Making the Most out of Seminary' for the Next Steppers. It still needs editing.

Keep praying for the parents and parents-to-be in the Parenting class that they will allow God’s truth to shape their parenting practices .

Serving Together for the Glory of God,

Paul and Linda Bucknell
Biblical Foundation for Freedom
3276 Bainton St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15212

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